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I've ordered a new three-piece suite for the living-room.我为客厅订购了一套三件套的新家具。Come and see our new range of furniture.来看看我们的新家具系列吧。Don't rush headlong into buying new furniture.不要仓促购买新家具。This room is crying out for some new furniture.这个房间显然急需添置一些新家具。He made his old-fashioned apartment look more modern by changing the color of the walls and buying new furniture.他给老式公寓的墙面换了颜色,还买了新家具,从而使它看起来更为时新。They bought some new furniture for the house.他们给房子买了一些新家具。We bought the new furniture on approval.我们买了这件包退包换的新家具。We're having a new bathroom/bedroom suite fitted at the weekend.周末我们要请人给浴室/卧室安装一套新家具。Take measurements of the room before you buy any new furniture.在买新家具之前要先量量房间的尺寸。We had several new pieces of furniture delivered to our home.我们有几件新家具送货上门。We've just bought some new bedroom furniture.我们刚刚给卧室买了一些新家具。We've just bought some new outdoor furniture.我们刚刚买了些花园里用的新家具。I hated the house but the new furniture made all the difference.我不喜欢那幢房子,但新家具往里一放,情况就完全变了。 |