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词汇 新公司
例句 The directors decided to hive off some part of the work and start new firms.董事们决定分出部分业务,另成立新公司Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.很多新公司由于缺乏足够的资金而陷入困境。Thousands of new businesses are set up each year.每年都有上千家新公司成立。The new company is encroaching on their traditional market.这家新公司正在侵占他们的传统市场。Making your new business successful requires luck, patience, and application.新公司的成功需要运气、耐心和努力。As far as I could gather, he was trying to raise money for his new business.据我了解,他当时正为他的新公司筹钱。These barriers completely prevent new companies from entering the market.这些障碍使新公司彻底无法进入市场。Many new businesses fail because they try to expand too quickly, but we have so far managed to avoid that trap.许多新公司因扩张过快而失败,但是到目前为止我们已经设法避免了那种困境。She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.她在新公司做同样的工作,但薪水比以前高。Research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job as president of the new company.作为新公司的总裁,弗劳德先生将负责研发和市场营销。New businesses began to sprout up across the country.新公司开始在全国各地涌现。The new firm was owned on a fifty-fifty basis by the two parent companies.这个新公司由两家母公司各持一半股份。They have given their new company an inventive name.他们给新公司起了个富有创意的名字。The smart money says this new company will be a success.知情者说这家新公司会有好业绩。Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession.经济衰退的时候,许多人都不愿开新公司He sank five million dollars in the new company.他为新公司投资了五百万美元。Any new company is seen as an invader in an already competitive market.在竞争已经很激烈的市场中,凡是新公司都被看作是入侵者。They are going to base their new company in Seattle.他们打算把新公司的总部设在西雅图。When Barclays Bank contracted out its cleaning, the new company was cheaper.当巴克莱银行外包其结算业务后,新公司的价格更为便宜。There are dozens of new companies entering the software market.有数十家新公司开始进入软件市场。The new company will need to have a name that trips off the tongue and is easy to remember.这家新公司需要取一个顺口易记的名字。They didn't have a prayer without a backer for the new company.没有人为新公司撑腰,他们一点成功的希望都没有。Tax breaks help new companies start up.减免赋税有助于新公司的创立。Several bankers promoted the new company.好几个银行家联手创立了这个新公司The plan hinges on a deal being struck with a new company.该计划完全取决于正在和一家新公司洽谈着的一项交易。You can't get a loan to start a new company if you don't have a good business plan.要是没有一份好的商业计划,就无法获得贷款开办新公司Very few new businesses make it big.很少有新公司获得成功。New companies often experience a loss in their first few years.新公司在刚起步的几年中经常亏损。Most banks are keen to loan money to promising young businesses.大多数银行都急于贷款给大有前途的新公司Starting a new business, however small, is a time-consuming task.开办新公司,不管它多小,都是一项耗时的工作。A newly-arrived executive is usually anxious to make his mark in a new firm.新上任的行政人员一般都急于要在新公司里做出一番成绩。They decided to float a new company.他们决定筹资创办一家新公司The new company gobbled the business.新公司把这家企业吞并了。Last month, they announced the creation of a new company.上个月,他们宣布了一家新公司的创立。These new companies are parasites feeding off the success of those who spent the last decade establishing the industry.那些人历经十年才成功建立起了这个产业,这些新公司现在则坐享其成。He plunged gaily into preparation of the new company.他贸然着手准备成立新公司Everyone at the table stood up and pledged the success of the new company.桌上每个人都起立为新公司的成功祝酒。The infant company was based in Germany.这家新公司总部在德国。She seems to have settled in quickly at her new company.她看来已经很快适应了她的新公司We need to scope the competition before we open a new business.在开新公司之前我们需要先仔细研究竞争状况。




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