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It was a real culture shock to find herself in Bangkok after living on a small island.在一座小岛上生活过后,回到曼谷使她感受到不小的文化冲击。Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.卡勒姆初到格拉斯哥,没有工作,无家可归,无人倾诉,在文化冲击中挣扎。She experienced great culture shock when she first came to Europe.她第一次到欧洲时经历了巨大的文化冲击。Foreign students often experience culture shock when they first come to the U.S.外国学生初到美国时,通常都会感受到文化冲击。I had travelled so there wasn't as great a culture shock as there might have been, but there was some confusion.我经常四处旅游,所以文化冲击没有预期中来得大,但是困惑是免不了的。Moving to the city was a huge culture shock for him.搬到这座城市使他感受到巨大的文化冲击。India is where I first experienced real culture shock.印度是我最先真正感受到文化冲击的地方。It was a bit of a culture shock when I first came to this country.刚到这个国家时,我感受到了一些文化冲击。 |