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词汇 数以千计
例句 Thousands of people in this area are dying from hunger and disease.本地区有数以千计的人正死于饥饿和疾病。Thousands of families go hungry every day.每天都有数以千计的家庭吃不饱肚子。Thousands of victims perished, trampled underfoot.数以千计的受害者遭踩踏致死。The fair attracted thousands of people from neighbouring areas.集市吸引了邻近地区数以千计的人。Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.数以千计的建筑物在地震中倒塌了。His sword has smitten thousands.倒毙在他剑下的人数以千计Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作。In spite of the relief effort, thousands of people continue to go hungry.尽管提供了救济,仍有数以千计的人继续处于饥饿状态。Thousands of spectators converged on the city for the horse race.数以千计的观众从四面八方涌到这座城市观看赛马。The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.演说通过视频线路向数以千计站在外面的人播放。There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.洛杉矶有数以千计像他这样的人,沿街乞讨,露宿街头。Thousands have been executed for political crimes.数以千计的人因政治罪而被处死了。Thousands have been compelled to flee the country in makeshift boats.数以千计的人被迫乘坐简易船只逃离了这个国家。Thousands still want food and shelter.数以千计的人们仍缺乏粮食和住所。Iraq had put thousands of troops along its border with Kuwait.伊拉克在科威特边境上部署了数以千计的部队。Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.数以千计的当地居民站在街道两旁,为由此经过的队伍鼓掌。She set up her charity to reach out to the thousands of homeless on the streets.她创建了慈善团体,向数以千计流落街头的人们提供帮助。Thousands of carpetbaggers have invested in the building society, hoping that it will become a public company.数以千计的投机商投资该房屋互助协会,希望其能成为一家上市公司。Thousands of workers in the building industry will lose their jobs as a result of cutbacks.由于裁员,建筑业中将有数以千计的工人失业。The company has been accused of mis-selling products to thousands of elderly investors.这家公司被指控向数以千计的老年投资者误导性销售其产品。Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees.数以千计的士兵正在给难民们分发食物和毯子。A cure for lung cancer would save thousands of lives each year.一种治疗肺癌的方法每年能拯救数以千计的生命。Thousands of bombs were released over Dresden.数以千计的炸弹在德累斯顿上空投下。Today thousands of people buy things by mail order, sight unseen.如今,数以千计的人在还没有见过实物的情况下就通过邮购来购买。Thousands have lost their jobs.数以千计的人失业了。A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves.一组警员正在翻查数以千计的小偷小摸者的犯罪记录。Thousands of people stood in silent tribute to the dead.数以千计的人为逝者肃立默哀。Thousands of coloured stones studded the walls.数以千计的彩石布满墙壁。Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。Thousands have been arrested in violent ethnic conflicts in the region.数以千计的人在这一地区的种族暴力冲突中被逮捕。Thousands of perceived enemies of the State were imprisoned.数以千计被认为是国家公敌的人遭到囚禁。Thousands of temples are strewn throughout the hills of Bali.数以千计的寺庙遍布于巴厘岛的小山上。Thousands of Britons emigrate every year.每年有数以千计的英国人移居国外。Thousands of people have died of hunger.已有数以千计的人被饿死。Application letters from all over the country were pouring in by the thousands every week.每星期有数以千计的申请信从全国各地纷至沓来。The festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.这个节日每年吸引数以千计的游客。Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives.数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重任。One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs.十分之一的加利福尼亚人没有工作,还有数以千计的人成天提心吊胆地害怕失去工作。Sheffield is a city where steel-workers once laboured in their thousands.设菲尔德这座城市曾有数以千计的炼钢工人一起辛勤劳动。He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。




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