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All the papers were haphazardly strewn on desks.所有文件杂乱地散落在书桌上。The storm scattered tiles everywhere.风暴吹得瓦片散落在各处。The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.花瓶已经摔成碎片,散落在厨房的地板上。She brushed back a stray lock of hair from her brow.她将一绺散落的头发从额头梳到后面。The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor.角落里那株花正在枯萎,金黄色的花瓣散落在地上。The ripe seed pod splits open and scatters the seeds.成熟的荚果裂开,种子散落了出来。The vase lay in pieces on the floor.花瓶摔成了碎片散落一地。She was trying to match the socks that were lying about.她试着将到处散落的袜子配成对。A stray spark had ignited a drum of petrol.散落的一粒火星点燃了一桶汽油。The troops/cottages were disposed along either side of the river.部队驻扎/农舍散落在河的两岸。The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field.飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。The tank exploded, scattering debris all over the field.坦克爆炸了,整个原野上都散落着碎片残骸。Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.碎玻璃散落在地毯上。I tidied all the loose papers away before the guests arrived.在客人到来之前,我把所有散落的报纸都拾掇起来。The whole area was scattered with debris.整个区域到处散落着残骸。Some seed fell along the footpath, and the birds came and ate it up.有些种子散落在小路上,鸟儿飞来把它们吃光了。Ash from the volcano fell over a wide area.火山灰散落的范围非常广。At her feet were a spillage of papers.她的脚旁有一些散落的文件。One room was strewn with children's toys.一个房间到处都散落着孩子们的玩具。Books and papers were scattered round the room.房间里四处散落着书和报纸。Tendrils of hair strayed to the edge of her pillow.她的几缕头发散落在枕边。The children's toys were strewed all around the room. 房间里到处散落着孩子们的玩具。The china dish lay in pieces on the floor.瓷盘碎片散落在地上。The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape.眼前杂乱地散落着许多难民营。Young children were trying to scrape up some of the rice that spilled from the sacks.小孩子们正试图铲起从麻袋中散落的米粒儿。Hens pecked at the corn scattered on the ground.母鸡啄着散落在地上的谷粒。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上散落着腐烂的叶子。Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a large area.这架飞机的残骸碎片散落在很大一片地区。The runway is still strewn with wreckage.飞机跑道上仍然散落着残骸。Small villages dot the sides of the mountain.山坡上星星点点地散落着不少小村落。The plane scattered flaming fragments over a large area.飞机燃烧的碎片散落到大片区域里。Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.飞机残片散落在一片很大的区域。There were articles of clothing scattered about the room.衣物散落在房间各处。Pieces of metal went flying everywhere.金属碎片散落得到处都是。The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.燃烧的碎片从装满燃油的飞机上散落到大片区域里。There was a scatter of empty cans and bottles on the lawn.草坪上散落着空瓶子和空罐子。The roads were dappled with fallen leaves.路上散落着一摊摊枯叶。Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house.多件雕塑作品散落在房子各处。There were dirty plates and glasses strewn about the room.房间里到处散落着脏兮兮的盘子和杯子。She pushed a stray curl away from her eyes.她撩开眼前一绺散落下的鬈发。 |