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词汇 cocaine
例句 The syrup contained an infusion of cocaine.这糖浆里含有可卡因浸剂。It's common knowledge here in Miami that this whole operation was paid for with cocaine money.在迈阿密这里的人都知道整个活动都是以可卡因赚来的钱支付的。He was accused of purchasing cocaine from an Indianapolis drug dealer.他被控从一名印第安诺波利斯的毒品贩子手中购买可卡因。Rumour has it that he trafficked in cocaine.谣传说,他贩过可卡因。It's difficult to wean addicts off cocaine once they're hooked.一旦对可卡因上了瘾,就很难戒掉。A quantity of cocaine was found in Larsson's apartment.拉尔森的公寓里发现了一批可卡因。He was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to sell.他被判犯有藏匿可卡因意图贩卖的罪行。Brody OD'd on a mixture of cocaine and heroin.布罗迪过量服用了可卡因加海洛因混合剂。The water was found to contain traces of cocaine.发现水里含有微量可卡因。Many cocaine addicts try hard to overcome their addiction but most relapse.很多可卡因上瘾者努力戒除毒瘾,但大部分人还是会旧瘾复发。People need help to come off hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.人们要依靠帮助来戒除海洛因和可卡因这一类硬毒品。Smith strongly denies reports in the popular press that he is addicted to cocaine.史密斯对通俗报纸上说他吸可卡因上瘾的报道极力予以否认。Bags of cocaine and all sorts of drug paraphernalia were seized at the airport.大包大包的可卡因和各种各样吸毒用品在机场被查获。He has all the apparatus, including a blowtorch, for freebasing cocaine.他有加热吸用可卡因的所有器具,包括喷灯都有。She died from a cocaine overdose.她死于可卡因过量。Danny was recently arrested for cocaine, but he's kept his job and he's in rehab.丹尼最近因吸食可卡因被捕,但他仍有工作,正在接受康复治疗。Reports show that nicotine is more powerful than cocaine.报告显示,尼古丁比可卡因效力更强。Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.让我们假设这样一种情景,卡萝尔,一位正在康复的可卡因成瘾者,应邀去参加一个聚会。Dewey said that legalizing marijuana would encourage people to experiment with hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.杜威说使大麻合法化可能会鼓励人们去尝试可卡因或海洛因这类硬毒品。He doesn't want to mess with cocaine anymore.他再也不想碰可卡因了。Drake is in a federal prison in Houston, awaiting trial on charges of cocaine trafficking.德雷克被关押在休斯顿联邦监狱,因贩卖可卡因而候审。He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine.他死于吸入可卡因后引发的心脏停搏。His country is one of the chief sources of cocaine.他的国家是可卡因的主要来源地之一。She has been indicted for possessing cocaine.她因为持有可卡因而被起诉。He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。The drug produces a powerful cocaine-type high that lasts for days.这种毒品能产生强烈的类可卡因兴奋状态,可持续好几天时间。The defendant was charged with possessing cocaine.被告被指控持有可卡因。His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.他的可卡因瘾使他的身体毁了,钱财尽失。He was sent down for possession of cocaine.他因藏有可卡因而被关进了监狱。He was hooked on cocaine.他对可卡因上了瘾。Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive.强效可卡因更便宜,可以吸食,极易使人上瘾。The cocaine was ready for distribution.那些可卡因已经准备好进行分销了。He hasn't been able to kick his cocaine habit.他一直没能戒掉毒瘾。The police moved in, arrested him and impounded the cocaine.警察冲进去将他拘捕并没收了可卡因。She admitted she had experimented with cocaine.她承认自己试吸了可卡因。They were snorting cocaine.他们在吸食可卡因。Customs officers have seized a large shipment of cocaine.海关关员截获了一大批可卡因。He has failed a dope test for cocaine.他未能通过可卡因药检。Anyone caught pushing heroin or cocaine is given a long prison sentence.凡因贩卖海洛因或可卡因被捕的人,都要判长期徒刑。Morphine and cocaine are powerful alkaloids.吗啡和可卡因是强力的生物碱。




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