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The desks in all the classrooms were nailed to the floor.所有教室里的课桌都是钉死在地板上的。A teacher's sphere is the classroom.教师的活动范围就是教室。All classrooms will be wired for connection to the Internet.所有教室都将接入互联网。A quiet murmur passed through the classroom.一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。He was one of the people who sat at the back of class and twanged an elastic band.他曾是坐在教室后面弹橡皮筋的那些人中的一个。Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.教室中的桌椅如需要挪动,应事先告诉这个盲童。His wisecrack evoked snickers from around the classroom.他的俏皮话引得教室里一阵窃笑。The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on while she was out of the room.老师怀疑她不在教室里的时候有人搞恶作剧。Children's shouts of joy shook the classroom.孩子们的欢呼声使教室都震动了。Our teacher sent us to the AV room for a projector.老师派我们到视听教室去取投影仪。She jumped to her feet as the teacher walked into the room.老师走进教室的时候,她蓦地站了起来。The students entered the classroom, jumping and singing.学生们又唱又跳地进了教室。Interviews can be simulated in the classroom.在教室里可以模拟面试。Children spilled from the classrooms.孩子们涌出教室。Vandals broke into the school and wrecked two classrooms.破坏公物者闯入学校,捣毁了两间教室。Teachers are not able to regulate the temperature in their classrooms.老师们不能调控教室里的气氛。Chaos reigned in the classroom.教室内一片混乱。She hurried off to her class.她匆忙赶去教室。Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.教师走进教室时你们要起立。All the children in the classroom felt the effect of her happiness.教室里所有的孩子都分享到她的幸福。There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.教室墙上有一张图表,显示出所有孩子的相对身高。The classroom wall was painted with clouds and rainbows.教室的墙上涂上了云朵和彩虹的图案。We didn't have time to clean thoroughly, but gave the classroom a lick and a promise.我们没有时间彻底打扫,只是把教室草率地打扫了一下。When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.老师不在时,教室里乱成一片。Blind and sighted children are taught in the same classroom.失明和视力正常的儿童在同一个教室里上课。The children streamed out of the classrooms and rushed rowdily down the corridor.孩子们涌出教室,闹哄哄地在走廊上狂奔。The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom.下课铃一响,大家都冲出了教室。Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.学习计算机的学生每周有两天在计算机室上机,四天在教室上课。The classrooms are sterile, with no artwork on the walls.这些教室没有生气,墙上一张画都没有。Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.老师警告我们说,她不在教室的时候不得胡闹。How can children learn in crammed classrooms?在拥挤的教室里儿童怎么能够学习呢?The students quickly put on straight faces as the teacher walked into the room.老师一走进教室,学生们迅速装出一本正经的样子。I have to buy some finger paints for my classroom.我要给教室买一些手指画。Teachers should take pride in improving the display work in their classrooms.教师应当为提高教室里展出作品的质量而自豪。Sunlight was spilling into the classroom.阳光照进教室里。Now, with the sudden invasion of the nasal voice, the class was instantly silent.这时,随着那个带鼻音的声音突然响起,教室立即肃静下来。The day was cold, and students hurried across campus to warm classrooms.那天天气很冷,校园里学生都急匆匆地赶往温暖的教室。When she first entered the teaching profession, children were much better behaved in the classroom.她刚投身教育事业时,学生在教室里的行为要好得多。There was a lot of tomfoolery in the class when the teacher stepped out.老师一踏出教室,教室里的蠢举就接二连三的。He sat at the back of the class.他坐在教室后排。 |