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By the time ambulancemen arrived, he was unconscious.救护人员到达时,他已经不省人事了。The ambulance man leant over the body, clucking his tongue with a disapproving `tsk, tsk'.救护人员俯身看了看尸体,嘴里发出啧啧的咂舌声表示不满。The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.两名救护人员迅速地将普洛弗放到担架上抬进救护车里。Paramedics tended the wounded in scenes reminiscent of wartime.救护人员照料伤者的情形令人想起战时岁月。Ambulance crews witness scenes like these every day.救护人员每天都见到这种场景。 |