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词汇 coat of paint
例句 The kitchen is crying out for a coat of paint.厨房急需油漆一遍。The room needs a fresh coat of paint.这个房间需要新刷一层涂料。Do you think we could get away with just one coat of paint on that wall?你觉得那墙就刷一遍漆能行吗?A fresh coat of paint would really spiff the place up.重新刷一下漆,这个地方就会更漂亮了。Make sure the surface is completely dry before applying the final coat of paint.涂最后一层漆时,一定要保证表面完全干燥。The house needs a fresh/second coat of paint.房子需要重新刷一层漆。The work was now complete, but for a final coat of paint.除了最后一层油漆,现在活儿都干完了。A new coat of paint would liven the kitchen up.新刷一层漆会使厨房鲜亮起来。Slap on a coat of paint and it will look good as new.随便涂上一层漆,看上去就会像是新的一样。We spruced up the room with a fresh coat of paint.我们把这个房间重新粉刷了一次,把它修饰得既整洁又漂亮。A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much.旧自行车涂上一层新漆就会显得漂亮多了。Don't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy.如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心。A coat of paint would not come amiss in the bedroom.给卧室刷一层漆会不错。He's freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.他给房子刷了层油漆,使它焕然一新。I'll give the walls a fresh coat of paint.我将给墙壁刷一层新漆。The house could use a coat of paint.这所房子需要刷一遍漆。This first coat of paint looks messy.第一层漆看上去有些花了。The old house is crying for a new coat of paint.这幢老宅亟须重新粉刷。Leave the first coat of paint to dry before adding another.等第一遍油漆干后再刷第二遍。Nothing gives a room a faster facelift than a coat of paint.重新粉刷一下是使房子焕然一新的最快方法。The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.房子只需偶尔粉刷一次就可以保持整洁。The chair needs a second coat of paint.椅子需要再上一遍漆。The coat of paint on the door has spalled.门上的漆皮已经剥落了。The front door needs a new coat of paint.前门需要刷一层新漆了。He applied two coats of paint to the table.他给那张桌子上了两道漆。Freshen up your room with a coat of paint.刷一层漆使你的房间焕然一新。It's surprising how a fresh coat of paint can improve the appearance of a room.出人意料地,房间重新刷一层油漆看上去就大不一样了。It's almost as easy these days to give your rooms a new coat of paint as it is to spring-clean them.如今,重新粉刷一下房间就像彻底打扫一次房间一样简单。Apply another coat of paint if necessary. 如有必要就再涂一层漆。All the door needs is a new coat of paint.这扇门只需涂上一层新漆。A coat of paint and it will be as good as new.只要刷上一层漆,就会跟新的一样了。A coat of paint and new curtains would really cheer the kitchen up.厨房粉刷一遍再换上新窗帘确实会让人耳目一新。The bookcase needs a second coat of paint.这个书橱需要再油漆一遍。This door needs another coat of paint - it looks a little streaky.这扇门需要再上一层漆——它看上去还是一道一道的。The house, with its fresh coat of paint, looked beautiful in the sunshine.这所房子刚刷过漆,在阳光下显得很漂亮。This room could do with a fresh coat of paint.这房间需要新刷一遍漆。The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.这座房子只需要偶尔粉刷一下就能保持整洁。The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.这间屋子很有必要重新粉刷一次。We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.我们在墙上刷了一层新漆把上面的污迹覆盖了。




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