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词汇 政治影响
例句 His political influence was waning.他的政治影响在消退。The government's actions in this case could have major political ramifications.在这种情况下,政府的行动可能会产生重大政治影响He lacks the political muscle to get the policy changed.他没有足够的政治影响力去改变那个政策。Even the possibility of a war in the Middle East has important political repercussions.在中东发生战争,仅仅是其可能性都会产生重要的政治影响Whatever the political fallout, the economic impact is clear.不管其政治影响如何,对经济的冲击是显而易见的。The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community.这本书分析了艾滋病给同性恋群体所带来的社会和政治影响They exerted political influence on newspaper editors.他们对报纸编辑们施加了政治影响For poor countries, diasporas are a source of remittances, of political clout and of reflected glory.对于穷困国家来说,海外侨民是汇款收入、政治影响和间接荣耀的来源。He needs to be aware of the political implications of his decision.他需要意识到他的决定可能产生的政治影响She used her political clout to have another school built.她利用自己的政治影响力促成了又一所学校的建立。This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly.国际银行业的这种丑闻一直以来都会造成极其恶劣的政治影响The political fallout from the scandal is spreading.这件丑闻的政治影响正在扩散。She uses her political heft to get bills passed.她运用自己的政治影响力使法案得以通过。The company's growth has been matched by the increase in its political influence.公司的发展与其政治影响力的提高齐头并进。She says we need to depoliticize the process by which judges are chosen.她说我们应该让选择法官的程序不受政治影响Political influence is being used to shape public opinion and isolate critics.政治影响力正在被用来左右舆论,使批评家陷于孤立。The organization's political influence is disproportionate to its size.这个组织的政治影响与其规模不相称。Doctors have considerably more political clout than teachers.医生的政治影响力要比教师大得多。Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.日本商人正在美国各地建立复杂的、具有政治影响力的基础结构。The unions have a lot of political muscle.工会有着很大的政治影响力。She is working hard to reestablish her political influence.她正努力恢复其政治影响力。Her political influence has been in retreat since the scandal.自从丑闻发生后,她的政治影响力一直在下降。




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