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词汇 收藏
例句 Her latest purchase completes her collection.加上最新购进的,她已集齐整套收藏The satellite was stowed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth.这颗卫星被收藏在航天飞机的货舱以返回地球。Fans scooped up the trading cards in the first few hours of the sale.狂热的仰慕者们在最初的几个小时内就把收藏卡抢购一空。He has built up a splendid library of Mozart's music.他建了一个非常棒的莫扎特音乐作品收藏库。My collection of Victorian literature turned out to be a rich and often hilarious source of information.收藏的维多利亚时代的文学作品竟成了一个资源丰富的信息宝库,而且内容常常令人捧腹。Our library has a large collection of books.我们的图书馆里收藏着大批书籍。He had a fine collection of Meissen porcelain.收藏了很多精美的迈森瓷器。Her grandmother's dolls had been packed away in the attic for many years.她奶奶的布娃娃已经在阁楼里收藏多年了。The museum houses the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.这家博物馆所收藏的古董玩具是全欧洲最多的。Some of Spain's most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado.西班牙一些最有价值的艺术珍品被收藏在埃尔普拉多博物馆里。Many of these cushions have survived and are very collectible.这些垫子很多都保存了下来,非常有收藏价值。The paintings are now housed in the National Gallery.这些油画现被收藏在国家美术馆。He has a beautiful collection of watercolours.收藏了很多漂亮的水彩画。When the potatoes had been garnered up, the ground was plowed over for sowing.收藏了洋芋之后,翻土准备播种。Few of these books ever found admission to the library.这些书中只有屈指可数的几部为图书馆收藏We broke out the champagne to celebrate our victory.我们拿出收藏的香槟来庆祝胜利。Her childhood passion for collecting has not dimmed, but now she is more discerning.她孩提时培养起的对收藏的痴迷丝毫未减,现在只是变得更有眼力了。The collection covers all phases of Picasso's career.这一收藏涵盖了毕加索艺术生涯的所有阶段。That kind of toy is very collectible right now.那种玩具现在很值得收藏This is the only book for serious collectors.对于真正爱好收藏收藏者来说,这本书是不二之选。The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人着迷的各式航海珍宝。He has collected pottery for years.收藏陶器多年。He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend.他犯了一个错误,把自己收藏的一批珍贵唱片留在了以前的一个女友那里。He's been a coin collector for years.收藏钱币有好些年了。The library has copies of all the national and local newspapers.图书馆里收藏了所有全国性和地方性的报纸。The gallery has an excellent collection of Impressionist works by, among others, Manet and Renoir.该画廊收藏有一些优秀的印象派作品,其中包括马奈和雷诺阿等人的作品。She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.收藏古罗马钱币和纪念章。The library houses about one million books.该图书馆收藏了约一百万册书。The restaurant has a fine selection of vintage wines.这家餐厅收藏了一批特定年份出产的佳酿葡萄酒。I didn't know she collected modern art.我原先不知道她收藏现代艺术品。Anyone who collects jazz records should buy this book. It's full of information on old recordings.任何收藏爵士乐唱片的人都应该买这本书—书中有很多介绍旧唱片的资料。His greatest treasure is his collection of rock records.他最珍爱的宝贝是他收藏的摇滚唱片。My thanks go to the British School of Osteopathy, for the use of their library.感谢不列颠整骨疗法学校允许我使用其收藏资料。The museum houses many priceless treasures.这家博物馆收藏了许多价值连城的珍品。We keep our wine collection down in the basement.我们把收藏的红酒放在地窖里。The museum has a large reserve collection in storage.该博物馆收藏着大量的储备藏品。Museums have now been shamed out of selling the treasures from their collections.博物馆现在已经深感羞愧,不再变卖他们收藏的珍宝了。He has some rare old vintages in his collection of wines.收藏的酒中有一些稀有的陈年好酒。The museum houses an impressive collection of jewels.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人惊叹的珠宝。He bought another rare coin to add to his collection.他又为自己的收藏购入了一枚珍稀硬币。




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