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Nothing ventured, you dummies, nothing gained.你们这群闷罐子,敢于冒险才有收获。He's tired of slogging away and getting nowhere.他厌倦了终日劳苦而又无所收获的生活。The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments.这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。If it also works, that is an added bonus.如果这样也能奏效,那可是意外的收获。Sow early for an early crop.早播种早收获。He ought to reap the benefit of his hazard.他应该从冒险中有所收获。It was harvest time.这是个收获的季节。It always amazed her how little she had to show for the amount she spent.她的付出那么多,收获却那样少,这一直让她惊诧不已。That meeting was a complete waste of time. I got nothing out of it.那次会议完全是浪费时间。我从中没得到任何收获。Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.这里的稻农仍然靠双手种植和收获作物。The year ahead looks to be a profitable one. 看来来年会有好收获。The beginning of the harvest varies from year to year.每年收获季的开始时间都不尽相同。The concert is just for fun, really. Any profit we make from it will be purely incidental.这场音乐会只是为了好玩,真的。我们从中获得的任何益处纯粹是附带的收获。She swept the board at the awards ceremony.她在颁奖仪式上收获了所有奖项。Do you feel you've gained anything spiritually from the experience?通过这次经历,你是否觉得精神上有所收获?Our corporate endeavours had so far borne little fruit.我们的共同努力迄今没有任何收获。Let's see what you've got there.让我们看一看你在那儿有何收获。It is time for the harvest.收获的季节到了。They get two crops of rice a year.他们一年收获两季稻。There needs to be joint political action to consolidate the gains of the elections.有必要采取联合政治行动来巩固选举上的收获。Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.埃及在意大利收获了两场平局。They were busy getting the harvest in.他们正忙着收获。Potatoes often sustain damage during harvest.马铃薯在收获时常会受到损伤。His booty from the auction included several rare antiques.他在拍卖会上的收获包括几件珍稀古董。I'd like to have a dig around in the archives and see if I come up with anything.我想去查查档案,看能否有所收获。Listening to it in its entirety is also fairly unrewarding.把它完整地听下来后还是没多少收获。He passed resultful hours in the library.他在图书馆度过颇有收获的几个钟点。He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。You will eventually reap the benefit of your labour.你终将收获自己的劳动成果。She is reaping the rewards of success. 她正在收获成功带来的各种奖励。The artist found much to his profit in the Louvre.这位艺术家从卢浮宫收获颇丰。Watching that movie really did something to me.看了那部电影我还真的有些收获。We all tried to find out about the bus service, with varying degrees of success.我们都试图弄清公交车的运行情况,结果有不同程度的收获。Face-to-face meetings with them really produced much.同他们的面晤确实很有收获。We are just starting to reap the rewards of careful planning.我们终于开始收获周密策划带来的回报。When we qualified for both the finals it was an extra bonus.我们有资格进入两项决赛,这真是额外的收获。The planting season is in spring, with harvest in the fall.春天是播种的季节,秋天是收获的季节。The restaurateur has harvested many awards.这位饭店老板收获了很多奖赏。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables.这幅画描绘了一群农民收获水果和蔬菜的情景。 |