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The car skidded on the ice, and I lost control.汽车在冰面上打滑,我无法操控。Her wrist fractured when she fell on the ice.她在冰面上滑倒,手腕骨折了。Be careful not to slip on the ice.小心别在冰面上滑倒。George felt a twinge of pain in his ankle from when he had slipped on the ice.乔治在冰面上滑倒之后,就觉得脚踝有一阵刺痛感。She fractured her wrist when she slipped on the ice.她在冰面上滑倒,手腕骨折了。She had a nasty fall on the ice.她在冰面上重重地摔了一跤。The truck skidded on the ice and jack-knifed.那辆铰接卡车在冰面上打滑后发生了弯折。The bruise is from a slip on the ice.这个瘀伤是在冰面上滑了一跤所致。 |