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词汇 收到
例句 He received a letter saying that the appointment had been cancelled.收到一封信,说任命取消了。You will receive a message confirming correct installation of the program.你会收到一个信息确认程序已正确地安装好了。She might get hundreds of responses to her survey.她或许能收到数百份调查反馈。They haven't got an invite to the wedding.他们没有收到婚礼请帖。There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication.收到新消息之后,通常会过一段时间再将其发布。He received a transoceanic cable from London.收到一封从伦敦来的越洋电报。We sent an acknowledgment that we received their letter.我们寄去回执,确认已经收到他们的来信。I'm hoping for a good return on my investment.我希望自己的投资会收到丰厚的回报。Goods will be sent on receipt of remittance.一俟汇款收到,当立即发货。We are taking action, having been in receipt of a letter from him.我们已经收到他的信,正在采取行动。Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。He received an invitation to break bread with the president.收到与总统进餐的邀请函。Some late news has just come in.收到几条最新消息。An emergency call was received shortly before the plane went down.坠机前不久收到过紧急呼救。The parcel must have miscarried, for she never received it.邮包一定投递错了,因为她一直没有收到There has been a rash of robberies/accidents/complaints in the last two months.过去两个月中,突然发生很多起抢劫案/一下出了很多起事故/接二连三收到多起投诉。Did you get my last e-mail?收到我上一封电子邮件了吗?We were tickled by the invitation.收到邀请我们很高兴。You probably won't receive the contract until Thursday but I can fax you a copy in the meantime.你可能要到星期四才能收到合同,但我可以先传真一份给你。If he doesn't pay his rent, he'll receive notice to quit.假如不缴房租,他就会收到搬家的通知。Did you get any valentines?收到情人卡了吗?He received a letter from his insurance company.收到他的保险公司寄来的一封信。People who message a lot feel unpopular if they don't get many back.如果人们发出大量短信但收到的回复却不多,就会觉得自己不受欢迎。I was getting a lot of crank calls, so I started unplugging my phone at night.我经常收到古怪的电话,所以晚上我就把电话插头拔掉。Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer.怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。A few moments of relaxation can work wonders.放松一会儿就可以收到奇效。We received no advance warning of the storm.我们没有收到风暴的预警。He received a batch of telegrams.收到一批电报。We've received unconfirmed reports of an explosion in central London.我们收到一些未经证实的报道,说伦敦市中心发生了爆炸。The tone of my letter had been friendly and conciliatory, so I was disappointed by the cold reply I received.我的信写得很友善,并表示愿意和解,所以收到这封冷冰冰的回信我很失望。The authorities have decided to relieve the professor of his post at the university until further notice, after complaints were made by one of his female students.校方收到该教授的一位女学生的投诉之后,已决定解除他在大学里的职务直到另行通知。I was overwhelmed by all the flowers and letters of support I received.收到这些鲜花和支持者的来信让我激动得不知所措。Radio stations often get crank calls.电台经常收到神秘电话。She received poison-pen letters and threatening phone calls.收到过匿名恐吓信和威胁电话。You will receive your credit card in approximately two weeks.你将会在大约两个星期之后收到信用卡。The astronauts received a message from mission control.航天员收到来自地面控制中心的信息。Jane received a large sum of money.收到一大笔钱。We are very encouraged by the feedback we've had from our shareholders.我们收到来自股东的反馈意见,感到十分鼓舞。How can I stop unwanted emails?我怎么才能不再收到那些垃圾邮件?It contained the header information from every email received by the account.它包含了该账户收到的所有电子邮件的头部信息。




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