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词汇 clusters
例句 From the airplane we could already see little clusters of houses.从飞机上我们已经能看到一簇簇的房子。It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer.初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。Most galaxies are found in clusters rather than in isolation.大多数星系都成星团存在,而不是孤立的。He nested the cottages in clusters, at different levels on the mountainside.他在一层层的山坡上盖建了一簇簇的小别墅群。Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters.墓碑三三两两地竖立在地面上。The conscious humans are clustering, and these clusters are growing larger and more organized.觉醒的人正在集中,这些群体正逐渐被组织起来。People stood in clusters around the noticeboards.人们聚集在通告栏前。The adult female lays large clusters of eggs.成年雌体产下大堆大堆的卵。The branches of that tree terminate in flower clusters.那棵树的枝杈末端开满花朵。Grapefruit grow in clusters.葡萄柚是成簇生长的。




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