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例句 An online tutorial gives basic instructions for those who have never made reservations on the Web.在线指南为那些从未在网上进行过预订的人提供基本的操作说明。We've field-tested them ourselves and are happy that they work.我们自己对其进行了实地操作试验,很高兴它们运行良好。Some speech recognition packages allow a PC to be operated using spoken commands.有些语音识别程序包让电脑可以用语音指令操作The bank reserves the right to reverse any transfers or payments.银行保留撤销任何转账或支付操作的权利。Sue showed him how to operate the machine.休教他如何操作那台机器。Using computers nowadays is child's play.现在电脑真是太容易操作了。With some careful manoeuvring, I was able to get the car into the narrow space.经过小心操作,我将汽车驶进了这个狭窄的空间。It ordinarily takes two people to operate the machine.通常需要两个人来操作这台机器。The computerized system failed and I had to switch to manual operation.计算机系统瘫痪了,我不得不切换到人工操作The intricate machine requires a skilled operator.这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作We need someone to man the switchboard.我们需要有个人来操作交换台。They passed a cement mixer that was being operated by two men in dusty overalls.他们走过一台水泥搅拌机,那机器正由两个身穿满是灰尘的工作服的男人操作着。Things like health and education cannot be left to the free market.像健康和教育这类事情不能留给自由市场去操作My handout has changed, but I didn't make any changes.我的讲义已经更改,但我并未进行任何更改操作I've followed the instructions, but the machine still isn't working.我按说明书操作,但机器还是不动。We are forced to operate within relatively narrow limits.我们被迫在相对狭小的范围内进行操作This can be done if you proceed as follows.按照如下操作即可完成。New recruits are instructed in marching and the handling of weapons.新兵在接受齐步走和武器操作的训练。Windmills differ in design, but all operate on exactly the same principle.风车的设计不同,但操作原理都是完全相同的。The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures.如果乘务人员按照安全规则操作,这场悲剧是可以避免的。Small turntables are operated by manpower and sacks are loaded by hand.小的转车台由人力操作,而麻袋要徒手装载。The machine is very awkward to operate.这台机器非常不好操作He knows how to handle the machine.他会操作这台机器。No refunds will be offered on products damaged by/through misuse.操作不规范造成的产品损坏不能退款。My job was to operate the telephone switchboard.我的工作是操作电话交换台。The accident was caused by a failure to use proper procedures.事故是因未按照正确程序操作造成的。This new personal banking software can be used with any Windows platform.这款新的个人银行软件可与任何版本的视窗操作平台兼容。I've never really felt/been completely at home with all these new-fangled machines.我一直都没能完全掌握这些新奇怪异的机器的操作要领。Who is working the machine?谁在操作这台机器?A lot of the doctors here still don't know how to use the new equipment.这里的许多医生仍然不会操作这台新设备。The machinery is easy to operate.这种机器容易操作Designers have built a working prototype of the car.设计师们制作了一个汽车的操作模型。We operate on a need-to-know basis.我们只是按照基本的步骤操作的。Radio networks are being reengineered to give digital operation.无线电网络正被改造成数字模式操作He depressed the lever and the crane started up.他按下了操作手柄,吊车就工作起来。During normal operation it is seldom audible and never bothersome.正常操作下,几乎是无声的,也不令人讨厌。The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.如果不按照厂家的说明操作,厂家承诺的保证就有可能无效。Simon showed me how to work the video player.西蒙向我演示如何操作这台放像机。The operation is easily reversible.这一操作可以轻易地反向进行。It's difficult to steer and change / shift gear at the same time.很难一面操作方向盘一面换挡。




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