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词汇 摄像机
例句 It was filmed with an underwater camera.这是用水下摄像机拍摄的。The camera zoomed in on a picture above the fireplace.摄像机镜头拉近对准壁炉上方的一张图片。The camera must be strong enough to resist the immense water pressure at depth.摄像机一定要足够坚固,以抵御深水处强大的水压。The rooms are equipped with video cameras.房间里都装了摄像机Security cameras have been installed in the city centre.在市中心已安装了一些监控摄像机Modern hand-held cameras are far less cumbersome.现代的便携式摄像机远比原来的轻巧。Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。I was lugging a heavy camera around all day.我整天扛着沉重的摄像机转悠。Some companies use hidden cameras in order to check up on their employees.有些公司用隐藏的摄像机来监视雇员。The television camera fritzed out.电视摄像机发生故障。Closed-circuit cameras have been installed throughout the building.整座楼都安装了闭路摄像机Why do people take part in these shows and spill their guts on camera in front of a studio audience?为什么人们参加这样的节目,并当着演播室观众的面,对着摄像机倾诉衷肠?There was a camera squinting at him from the corner of the office.办公室角落里一架摄像机正偷偷对着他。On camera he appears twitchy and ill at ease.摄像机前他显得很紧张,浑身不自在。They attached a minicam to the back of a terrier.他们将一台小型摄像机装在一只小猎狗的背上。It'll take a few minutes to set the camera up.架设摄像机要花几分钟。The video camera was a retirement gift from colleagues.摄像机是同事们送的退休礼物。I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.我必须将摄像机放在触手可及的地方,以便需要拍摄时用得上。Saivonsac shot the entire film with a hand-held camera.塞冯萨克使用便携式摄像机拍摄了整部影片。Its customers could dial up three video cameras at any time and watch the contestants talking, eating, or sleeping.用户可以随时接通三台摄像机,观看参赛者交谈、吃饭或是睡觉。The television cameras captured the violence and played it again in instant replay.电视摄像机捕捉到了那个暴力场面,并即时重播。They found the television cameras too intrusive.他们认为电视摄像机太讨厌了。The two leaders chatted amiably out of sight of the cameras.两位领导人在摄像机拍不到的地方亲切交谈。We watched the cameras move into position.我们看着摄像机移动到位。She had to go through a phalanx of television cameras.她必须穿过一个布满了电视摄像机的区域。I prefer the mobility of a hand-held camera.我更喜欢手持摄像机的灵活性。You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally.你可以上下左右移动摄像机There are cameras everywhere, so be on your guard!到处都是摄像机,你要小心!Crime has decreased since the security cameras were installed.自从安装了保安摄像机后犯罪行为已有所减少。The Hilliards nodded a greeting, and stared mutely into the cameras.希利亚德一家人点头致意,然后就一声不响地盯着摄像机The camcorder gives a bleep when recording begins.便携式摄像机开始录像时发出哔声。He recorded the birthday party with his new video camera.他用新摄像机录下了生日聚会。I'd like to get a video camera but I can't afford to buy one new.我想买一台摄像机,但是我买不起新的。He tends to freeze in front of the camera.他在摄像机前总是呆若木鸡。He didn't know the camera was still running.他不知道摄像机仍在工作。A television camera panned the stadium.一台电视摄像机摇摄整座体育场。The use of surveillance cameras could infringe people's personal liberties.使用监控摄像机可能会侵犯人们的人身自由。It's hard to avoid a few jiggles when you're using a video camera.使用摄像机时,手抖几下是难免的。The camera has a built-in fail-safe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.摄像机有内置自动防故障装置,该装置确保摄像机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。Cameras were rigged up to televise the event.临时架起了一台台摄像机以便作电视实况转播。




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