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例句 They tried to make him a leper in his own community.他们试图使他在他那个圈子里成为一个没人敢接近的人。They sounded an alert when enemy planes were approaching the city.敌机接近城市时,他们发出了警报信号。My parents told me to stay away from her.我父母让我不要接近她。The minutes towards departure ticked by.出发时间一分一分地接近了。He tested the goalkeeper again just before half time with a powerful free kick.接近半场的时候,他一脚任意球又给守门员制造了麻烦。I don't like being around him. For one thing, he smokes.我不喜欢接近他,原因之一是他抽烟。Gradually the noise and traffic increased as they approached the city.当他们接近城市时,噪音逐渐增加了,路上的车辆也越来越多。He held me at bay with a long knife.他用一把长刀阻止我接近An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light.电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。The decorating is as good as finished - I just need to finish off the painting.装修接近完工——我只需要把漆刷完就大功告成了。The leaves are long and almost oval.这些叶子很长,接近椭圆形。The two men may be armed, and should not be approached by members of the public.这两名男子可能带着武器,公众切勿接近It is very alcoholic, sometimes near the strength of port.它的酒精浓度很高,有时接近波尔图葡萄酒的浓度。Unemployment is now near to its all-time low.失业率现已接近历史最低点。As we got near to London the traffic grew denser.我们越是接近伦敦,交通越是变得拥挤。Realizing she was getting nowhere with Paul, she approached John.她意识到和保罗之间没有成功希望了,便去接近约翰。She's just short of six feet tall. 她身高接近六英尺。He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.他借口仔细看墙上的画,试图接近她。They didn't get anything near the price they were asking.他们根本没买到接近他们出价的任何东西。Temperatures were in the upper thirties.温度接近四十度。At parties she is always shy and stands off.在社交聚会上她总是羞羞答答不与人们接近You should slow down as you approach the junction.接近交叉口时你应该减速。French and English are closer to each other than either language is to Chinese.法语和英语这两种语言与汉语比,都不如它们二者之间更加接近The airplane began to descend as it neared the island.飞机接近这座岛时开始降落。She was saved by a policeman who had managed to edge gradually closer to her dangling body.她被一名警察救了,这名警察设法沿着楼房边缘逐渐接近她悬吊着的身体。Folk psychology comes closer to the obvious truth than the most sophisticated theories.比起最复杂的理论,大众心理学更接近那些显而易见的事实。He climbed to his favourite perch near the top.他爬到接近顶部他最喜欢呆的地方。Only those around the President understood his motives.只有那些接近总统的人了解他的动机。Firefighters are being stretched to the limit as fire sweeps through the drought-stricken state.火势在这个遭受旱灾的州里迅速蔓延,消防队员疲于应对,接近极限。The plane began to lose height on its approach to Heathrow.接近希思罗机场时,飞机开始下降。They'll creep up on you while you're asleep.他们会在你睡着的时候悄悄接近你。Indicate left as you approach the junction.接近交叉路口时打转向灯示意左转。He was content to bide his time patiently, waiting for the opportunity to approach her.他乐于耐心等待接近她的良机。The climb stiffens as we near the top.当我们接近山顶时,攀登就更费劲了。Dim your lights when a car approaches you.有车接近时将前灯调为近光。If he is unlucky, he may find that his ex-partner denies him access to his children.如果不走运的话,他可能会发现前妻拒绝让他接近自己的孩子。His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal.他的脉搏已减缓到接近正常水平。There's a delightful moment towards the end of the film, when they see each other briefly again.接近电影的尾声时有一个动人的场面,就是他们又匆匆地见了面。An angry mob tried to get at him but the police protected him.一伙愤怒的暴民试图接近他,但警察保护了他。Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover.现在承办酒席可能占酒店营业额的接近四分之一。




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