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词汇 掉进
例句 So many people had fallen into the pond that it had to be railed off.已有这么多人掉进过这水塘,所以只好把它用栅栏围起隔开。Rachel fell into the river with a loud splash.雷切尔扑通一声掉进河里。She fell into the lake.掉进了湖里。He toppled over the side of the bridge into the water.他从桥边掉进水里了。He fell overboard in heavy seas.他从船上掉进了波涛汹涌的大海中。I tried to help Gina up, but I lost my balance and we both fell into the stream.我想帮助吉娜站起来,可我失去了平衡,结果我们两人都掉进了溪中。He almost fell through a hole in the ice.他差点掉进了冰窟窿。A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.有片蛋壳掉进蛋糕面糊里了。His dog fell in the river and he jumped in after it.他的狗掉进了河里,于是他也跟着跳了下去。A little boy fell splash into the brook.小男孩扑通一声掉进小河。The stone plopped into the river.那块石头扑通一声掉进河里。We fell into a trap.我们掉进了一个陷阱。Her sunglasses had fallen into the pond.她的太阳镜掉进池塘了。A bus veered off the road and tumbled down the hill into the river below.一辆公共汽车转向冲出路面,滚下山去掉进下面的河里。Ashlee fell into the river with a loud splash.阿什莉扑通一声掉进了河里。I lost control of the car and it slewed sideways into the ditch.我的车子突然失去控制,向一侧滑去,掉进了沟里。My watch has been messed up ever since I dropped it in the sink.我的手表自从掉进水槽后就一直出毛病。She fell into the cold water and nearly died from hypothermia.掉进冷水中,差点因体温过低而死。Her ring fell into the pond with a plop.她的戒指咚的一声掉进了池塘里。It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap.大多数学生就是在这里掉进了不易察觉的致命陷阱。They were relying on the plunge into icy waters to kill me.他们指望着我掉进冰水里死掉。The ball rolled down the hill and into the drink.球滚下山坡掉进了池塘。The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.两辆车在第一个转弯处侧翻,掉进了沙坑,场面非常吓人。Don't fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.不要掉进陷阱把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方。He fell through a weak spot in the ice.他从冰薄的地方掉进了冰窟窿里。Alan pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake.艾伦一头栽倒在矮墙上,掉进了湖里。I wondered if it was an animal caught in a trap.我在想,会不会是什么动物掉进了陷阱。They ran off the road and ended in a ditch.他们冲出道路,掉进了沟里。He fell into the swimming pool fully clothed.他穿着衣服掉进了游泳池。An ice cube plopped noisily into the glass.冰块扑通一声大响掉进杯子里。She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road.她不小心把戒指掉进路边的下水井里了。Mum tried to toss the pancake but unfortunately it missed the pan and hit the floor.母亲想抛起薄煎饼,可惜饼没掉进平底锅里却落在地上。My earliest childhood memory is of falling in a lake.我最早的童年记忆是掉进湖里。The traitor was forced to walk the plank.那个叛徒被迫走上跳板,掉进了海里。He fell into the icy cold water.掉进了冰冷的水中。The soap fell into the bath with a loud plop.肥皂掉进了浴缸里,发出很响的扑通声。The child was in imminent danger of falling into the water.那小孩随时都有掉进水里的危险。The floor gave way and they all fell through into the room below.地板塌陷,他们都掉进了脚下的房间。The bus skidded off the road and into a ditch.公共汽车打滑冲出了公路,掉进了沟里。It's a trap too many people fall into.太多人都掉进了这个陷阱中。




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