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例句 Two bottles rolled across the table, dropped onto the floor, and smashed.两只瓶子从桌上滚过,掉到地上摔得粉碎。The entire pile shifted and slid, thumping onto the floor.那整整一摞东西动了一下后滑落下来,嘭的一声全掉到了地上。The bottle fell under the table.掉到桌子底下。Be careful not to drop that bowl, it's very valuable.小心别把那只碗掉到地上,它很名贵的。I tripped going up the stairs and I/my books went flying.我上楼梯时绊了一下,摔倒了/我的书掉到了地上。He accidentally dropped a lighted cigarette on the chair.他无意中把一支燃着的香烟掉到了椅子上。Careful that box doesn't fall on you, Charlotte!夏洛特小心,别让盒子掉到你身上!Ralph pulled, and the lock came away in his hand.拉尔夫一拉,锁就掉到他手中。The dictionary fell to the floor with a smack.字典砰的一声掉到了地上。I dropped a hammer on the floor, and it dented the floorboard.我一失手,锤子掉到地板上,把地板砸出了凹痕。The books flopped onto the floor.书扑通一声掉到地板上。A flake of plaster from the ceiling fell into his eye, which became septic.天花板上的一小片熟石膏掉到他眼里,致使他的眼睛感染了。Both men crashed against the staircase, which collapsed under their combined weight.两人都掉到了楼梯上,其重量加在一起把楼梯压塌了。The vase hit the floor and was smashed to bits.花瓶掉到地板上,摔成了碎片。Watch you don't drop that box - it's very heavy.当心别把那箱子掉到地上,它很重。The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火车下面而幸免于难的可能性几乎为零。There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.箱子掉到地上发出一声闷响。The mirror/glass cracked when she dropped it.她把镜子/玻璃杯掉到地上摔裂了。The pen fell under the desk.钢笔掉到桌子下面去了。The book has fallen down the back of the couch.那本书掉到长沙发后面了。What happened the following weekend was as unforeseeable as a plane falling on your house.下个周末发生的事就像飞机掉到你家那样无法预料。The vase fell and smashed to pieces.花瓶掉到地上摔成了碎片。He carefully balanced the satchel so that its contents would not spill out onto the floor.他仔细地把小背包放好,不让里面的东西掉到地板上。The egg splattered on the floor.鸡蛋掉到地板上摔破了。Maybe money will rain down on us like manna from heaven.或许钱会像天降甘露般掉到我们身上。The knife clattered noisily to the floor.刀子当啷一声掉到了地板上。The dish fell to the floor and broke.碟子掉到地上摔碎了。Something has been dropped on the floor and rolled beneath the valance of the bed.有一样东西掉到地板上又滚到床沿挂布的下面。I dropped my coffee cup. I'm all thumbs today.我把咖啡杯掉到地上了。我今天笨手笨脚的。The book landed on the floor with a thunk.书咚的一声掉到地板上。After he announced that he was leaving, you could hear a pin drop in the office.他宣布要离开后,办公室里安静得连针掉到地上的声音都听得到。In her hurry, Eva stumbled and dropped the tray she was carrying.伊娃于匆忙间绊了一下,手中的托盘也掉到地上。I dropped my watch, but it's still going.我的手表掉到了地上,但是还在走。The flashlight was still functional after I dropped it.手电筒被我掉到地上之后还能用。The driver jumped clear as his vehicle fell into the river below.汽车快要掉到河中时,司机及时跳了出来。There was a moment's struggle and the gun fell to ground.争夺了一会,枪掉到了地上。Her biggest copper-bottomed saucepan made one hell of a noise as it clattered onto the tiles.她最大的铜底锅掉到瓷砖上发出了很大的声响。The pile of books hit the floor with a whack.那摞书叭的一声重重地掉到地上。The pencil rolled off the desk and fell to the floor below.铅笔从书桌上滚下来,掉到了地板上。We heard the thud as the book fell to the floor.掉到地上时我们听到砰的一声。




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