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If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.如果产品不能使用,可选择退款或换货。The customer has only to bring the goods in to any branch and an immediate, no-questions-asked refund or replacement will be provided.顾客只要把所购之物带至任何一家分店,无须任何说明,就能立即得到退款或换货。We will gladly exchange your goods, or refund your money.我们将十分乐意为您换货或退款。I told him that I wouldn't pay unless he sent me a replacement. Am I being unreasonable?我告诉他如果他不给我换货我就不付款。我这是不讲道理吗?We will gladly exchange your goods, or refund your money, whichever you prefer.我们将很乐意为您换货或退款,看您更愿意怎么做。 |