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词汇 clock
例句 With seconds left on the clock, she scored the winner.在比赛的最后几秒钟她打进了制胜一球。This alarm clock takes two medium-sized batteries.这个闹钟需要装两节中号电池。We've been waiting here since two o'clock.我们从两点钟开始就在这里等了。We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.我们九点钟结束了会议。It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow.现在莫斯科是夜里十一点。The alarm clock went off at six o'clock.闹钟六点钟响了。The sound of the alarm clock pierced his skull.闹钟的响声响彻他的脑袋。The clock struck as they entered the room.他们走进房间时,钟响了。I'll come for you at about eight o'clock.我八点左右来接你。He used a clock to make a home-made bomb.他用时钟自制了一个炸弹。The nurse kept her around-the-clock vigil over the sick child.护士昼夜监护病孩。With a little bit of luck we should finish by five o'clock.我们有一点点运气的话,五点钟之前应该能完成了。Luckily, there was another sailing at 2 o'clock.幸好两点钟还有一班船。After a while, the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me.钟声滴滴嗒嗒的很响,我一会儿就烦起来了。The meeting is arranged for 9 o'clock.会议安排在九点钟。He's gone to the clock hospital.他到钟表修理店去了。He took a furtive glance at the clock.他偷偷地瞧了一眼钟。She glanced surreptitiously up at the clock.她偷偷地抬头看了一下钟。She came home completely smashed at about 2 o'clock this morning.她今天凌晨两点左右回家,喝得酩酊大醉。He staggered across the bedroom to throttle the screaming alarm clock.他蹒跚着穿过卧室去关掉那尖鸣的闹钟。It's eleven o'clock at night.现在是夜里十一点。Let's fix a time. This Sunday. Two o'clock.咱们来定一个时间。星期天,两点钟。That clock there once belonged to my great-grandmother.就是那个座钟曾经是我曾祖母的。The clock on the mantelpiece struck 10.炉台上的钟敲了十下。I can squeeze you in at two o'clock.我可以在两点钟挤出点时间给你。The clock in the church struck twelve, and soon after people began to stream out.教堂的钟敲响了十二点,不久人们便开始鱼贯而出。Hopefully, I'll be back home by ten o'clock.我有望十点前回到家。The hallway had a huge grandfather clock in it.门厅里有一座巨型的老式落地钟。The clock in the hall chimed six.大厅里的钟敲了六下。The alarm clock woke me up on time.闹钟准时把我叫醒了。We'll arrive in Boston at 4 o'clock local time.我们将于当地时间四点到达波士顿。Lights out at 9 o'clock.九点熄灯。I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.我八点钟去接你。I can try to squeeze you in after my one o'clock appointment.在一点钟的约会之后我可以挤出一些时间给你。It was six o'clock, and the sun was just coming up.那时是六点钟,太阳刚刚升起。They have a lesson with Mrs Evans at two o'clock.他们两点钟有埃文斯夫人的课。After his seizure, he needed round-the-clock care.在疾病发作以后,他需要日夜护理。The clock was adapted to run on batteries.这个时钟被改成电池驱动了。When the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong.钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。His proposal would roll back the clock on civil rights.他的提议会使民权倒退。




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