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词汇 sponsored
例句 Performances are sponsored by fast food restaurants and other unlikely patrons of the arts.演出由快餐店等与艺术不大有关的团体赞助。He sponsored the plan at the meeting.他在会上倡议了这一计划。We wanted to do a sponsored dance after work but those killjoys in Head Office wouldn't let us.我们想在下班后搞一个慈善舞会,可是总部那些败兴的人不让我们搞。The show was sponsored by different clients on alternate weeks.这一节目由不同委托人出资每隔一星期演出一次。The competition was sponsored by British Airways.此项比赛由英国航空公司赞助。The tournament is sponsored by local businesses.这次锦标赛由当地企业赞助。Most of these students are sponsored by the National Department of Education.这些学生大部分是由国家教育部资助的。The exhibition is sponsored by the Arts Council in conjunction with British Airways.展览由艺术委员会与英国航空公司共同赞助。Two Liberal MPs sponsored the Bill.两位自由党下院议员支持这项议案。The church sponsored the fair to raise money for elderly people.教会为替老年人筹集福利基金而举办了这次义卖。The competition was sponsored by Ruinart Champagne.比赛是由汝纳特香槟公司赞助的。It is appropriate that the exhibition is sponsored by BMW.这个展览由宝马公司来赞助很合适。The government sponsored a pilot project to find out how the education reforms would work in schools.政府资助了一项试验计划以了解教育改革会在学校产生什么效果。The competition was sponsored by Ruinart Champagne.比赛是由慧纳酒庄赞助的。The sponsored walk will raise money for AIDS care.本次慈善步行活动将为艾滋病人筹款。She sponsored the new tax bill.她提议了那项新的税收法案。He sponsored me at my confirmation.他引领我完成了坚信礼。The book was produced by the publisher in association with the museum that sponsored the exhibit. 这本书由出版商与赞助这个展览的博物馆共同出版。The series is sponsored by Ford and will be shown over the ABC network.这个系列节目是由福特公司赞助的,将通过美国广播公司的电视网播出。The protest comes on the eve of two days of talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, sponsored by the United Nations.抗议活动发生在联合国组织的于埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴进行的为期两天的会谈即将开始前。Some of the best services for the ageing are sponsored by philanthropic organizations.一些一流老人服务机构是由慈善组织资助的。Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored.全日制学生通常都得到资助。Most DES students are sponsored by the National Department of Education.多数环境科学系的学生是由国家教育部资助的。My father sponsored Mary's child at the christening.我父亲在玛丽的孩子受洗时做了这小孩的教父。The radio station sponsored the concert.这家无线电台赞助了这场音乐会。The new league will be sponsored by Pepsi Cola.新联盟将由百事可乐赞助。Two Virginian Congressmen sponsored the bill.两位弗吉尼亚国会议员提出这一议案。They sponsored various community events.他们赞助了社区的多种活动。The event is sponsored by your local chamber of commerce.这项活动由你们当地的商会赞助。Thousands of people are expected to join the sponsored walk.预计会有数千人参加这次有赞助的慈善筹款步行。We sponsored a family who came from India.我们为一个来自印度的家庭作担保。




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