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词汇 Atlantic
例句 Concorde crossed the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound.协和飞机以两倍声速飞越大西洋。Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo.查尔斯·林德伯格是第一个独自驾飞机飞越大西洋的人。Sailing the Atlantic in such a tiny boat wasn't so much brave as foolhardy.乘这样一艘小船在大西洋上航行不是勇敢,而是莽撞。They hopped the Atlantic in seven hours.他们用七个小时飞越了大西洋。He sailed across the Atlantic.他扬帆横渡大西洋。The Atlantic Ocean is immense.大西洋浩瀚无边。A tropical storm is gathering strength in the eastern Atlantic.在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。She sailed the Atlantic coastline.她沿着大西洋海岸航行。Their submarines ran riot in the Atlantic.他们的潜艇在大西洋横冲直撞。He travels back and forth across the Atlantic.他穿梭于大西洋两岸。Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic.铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。The summer breeze riffled the surface of the Atlantic.夏日的微风使大西洋泛起了波纹。They're sailing around the Atlantic coastline of Florida.他们绕着佛罗里达州的大西洋海岸线航行。A ridge of high pressure is building up strongly over the Atlantic.一个高压脊在大西洋上空快速形成。A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.从云缝中可以看到远在下方的大西洋。The Atlantic crossing took nearly three months.横渡大西洋花了将近三个月。They were the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic.他们是最早飞越大西洋的两个英国人。Charles Lindbergh was the first flier to fly solo across the Atlantic.查尔斯·林德伯格是第一位单人飞越大西洋的飞行员。We flew the Atlantic.我们飞越了大西洋。The policy has been condemned by politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.该政策受到大西洋两岸政治家们的谴责。She crossed the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.她乘热气球穿越大西洋。This does not mean that the controversy in the South Atlantic does not subsist.这并不意味着南大西洋的争议已不复存在。The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic.这些书在大西洋两岸的出版界都引起了轰动。Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight.在大西洋城举行这场拳击比赛是众望所归。The passage is condensed from the Atlantic Monthly.此段根据《大西洋月刊》中的一文缩写。There were heavy losses in Britain's merchant tonnage during the Battle of the Atlantic.在大西洋海战中英国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。The plane was lost without a trace over the Atlantic.飞机在飞越大西洋上空时消失得无影无踪。I considered driving out to Atlantic City to meet her.我考虑要开车到大西洋城去见她。A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic.在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。She sailed the Atlantic single-handedly.她独自一人驾船驶过大西洋。Atlantic City is famous for its beach and boardwalk, where hotels and casinos are filled with entertainment.大西洋城以其沙滩和海滨木板道而闻名,那里的旅店和赌场提供各种娱乐活动。The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.舰队穿过敌方水域行驶了几千英里来到大西洋会师。How long does it take to fly the Atlantic?飞越大西洋需要多长时间?The great ship slipped her moorings and slid out into the Atlantic.大船脱锚飘到了大西洋。The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel.从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.北大西洋中鳕鱼的总量已大幅下降。Atlantic City was huckstered by promoters with nature rhetoric, even though it is an urban destination.大西洋城是个城市旅游区,但其宣传者却常常大肆吹嘘其自然景观。The billows of the Atlantic dash high on the rocks during a storm.暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。It's faster coming back across the Atlantic because of tailwinds.因为顺风,回程横渡大西洋时速度较快。Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.查尔斯·林德伯格成为独自飞越大西洋的第一人。




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