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The inns were chockablock and men were sleeping three and four in a bed.那些小客栈挤得满满的,三四个男人合睡一张床。The hall was already full, and there was nowhere to sit.大厅已挤得满满的,没有地方可坐了。He fumbled his way through the crowded room.他跌跌撞撞走过挤得满满的房间。There was a large crowd present in the auditorium.礼堂挤得满满的。The crowd filled the square.人群把广场挤得满满的。Thousands of people jammed the stadium.成千上万的人把体育场挤得满满的。The facilities are chock-full.这些场所挤得满满的。They filled the small living room to overflowing.他们把那间小起居室挤得满满的,有些人只好站到外面了。 |