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词汇 持久
例句 They made a good start at improving prison conditions, but unless there’s follow-through, the reforms won’t last.他们在改善监狱条件方面上开了一个好头,但是除非他们能够贯彻到底,否则改革不会持久Delicate herbs keep their flavour better when frozen.清淡的香草在冷冻状态下味道更容易持久His most enduring quality is his childlike innocence.他最具持久魅力的特质就是他那孩子般的天真无邪。Their association will not last.他们的交情不会持久The acrylic is very durable and polishes well.丙烯酸涂料持久耐用,光泽效果很好。She wants to make sure her legacy will endure.她想确保她的遗产能够持久存在。His next book is about the lasting effects of the Vietnam war.他下一本书是讲越战带来的持久影响。Analysts are confident the downturn in share prices will not last long.分析人士很有信心,这次股价下跌不会持久She's a talented athlete, but many people have doubts about her longevity. 她是个天才运动员,但很多人对她的运动生涯能否持久表示怀疑。He's a stayer.他跑步耐力持久Persistence, rather than speed, is the deciding factor of victory in any game.持久,而不是速度,是决定比赛胜利的因素。He was realistic enough to know this success could not last.他非常现实地认识到这样的成功不会持久The good weather couldn't last.这种好天气不会持久Dealers are mixing the drug with heroin and cocaine to eke out their supplies.毒贩在这种毒品中掺入海洛因和可卡因,这使他们的毒品供应可以持久The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community.新的体育中心将使社区居民持久受益。These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms.这些自然风干的花会比一束鲜花更加持久Help lipstick to last longer by dusting over your lips with a little translucent powder before applying.涂口红前在唇部抹一点透明唇粉,可令口红效果更持久Unfortunately, his good intentions never seemed to last long.不幸的是,他的善意似乎从来就没有持久过。Perhaps the only all-enduring and selfless love was that of a mother for her child.或许唯一持久无私的爱就是母爱。How can we combat this permanent tendency towards inflation?我们怎样才能与通货膨胀这一持久趋向作斗争? This lipstick gives long-lasting rich colour.这种口红色泽鲜艳持久This marks the first day of what is likely to be a protracted and bitter courtroom battle.这才是第一天,这很可能是一场持久而艰难的官司。Old films no longer fade into oblivion, but have a continued life on our TV screens.老电影不再逐渐被人淡忘,而是会出现在电视屏幕上,获得持久生命力。Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.早些时候的报告显示学生学习更为刻苦、持久,并且怀有学习热情。The economy is on a tear, but can it last?当下经济很有起色,但是能够持久吗?




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