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词汇 拿起
例句 He picked up a pen and twirled it between his fingers.拿起一支笔,在手指间转动着。I can't pick the kettle up - the handle's too hot.我没法拿起茶壶,壶柄太烫了。He took a shovel, dug a hole, and buried his once-prized possessions.拿起一把铁锨,挖了个坑,将自己曾经珍爱的物品埋了起来。She lifted the book up off the table.她从桌上拿起书。She gently picked up a plate and examined it.她轻轻地拿起一个盘子审视了一下。He picked up his shotgun, aimed, then fired.拿起猎枪,瞄准,然后开枪。He took the jar and twisted the lid off.拿起罐子把盖拧开了。She took up the pile of ironing and set it on the bed.拿起一摞烫好的衣服放在床上。He downed his drink and swept up his change.他放下饮料,一把拿起了零钱。She picked up the bag of salad and gave it a shake.拿起色拉袋晃了晃。Flora picked up her handbag and felt into its interior.弗洛拉拿起她的小手包,摸了一下里面。She grabbed a washrag and wiped the floor.她一把拿起洗脸巾擦地板。She righted herself and picked up her bag.她站稳后,拿起了她的包。I picked the bag up, and it went to pieces in my hands.拿起那个包,结果它就在我手中碎成许多片。Lift the fish and carefully place it on a large board, flat side uppermost.拿起鱼,小心地平放在一块大板上。Taking a compass, he took a bearing.拿起罗盘,进行方位测定。He took the bagpipes and played a spring.拿起风笛,奏了一支欢快的乐曲。She never picked up a newspaper except for the purpose of starting a fire in the wood stove.她只有在给柴炉引火时才会拿起报纸。He took her hand and kissed it.拿起她的手,吻了吻。Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth.莫妮卡拿起她的伯罗圆珠笔,放在牙齿间转动着。Imogen sighed and picked up her sewing.伊莫金叹了口气,拿起她的针线活。Amy picked up the hairbrush and smoothed her hair once more.埃米拿起发梳,再次将头发梳理整齐。She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear.拿起话筒,放在耳边。She walked coolly up to the front of the hall and picked up the microphone.她从容地走到会堂前排,拿起话筒。I grabbed the classifieds and hit the pavement, looking for a new job.我一把拿起这个分类广告到外面四处转,寻找一份新的工作。She picked up the magazine and leafed through it.拿起杂志快速翻阅。As she continued talking, I picked up the remote control again and discreetly zapped once more.趁她继续说着话,我又拿起遥控器,悄悄换起了台。She took a slice of chocolate cake and smothered it in cream.拿起一块巧克力蛋糕,在上面涂满了奶油。She picked up a thick volume and began to read out loud.拿起一本大部头书,开始大声朗读。He walked by my table and, casually as you please, picked up my address book.他走到我的桌旁,非常随意地拿起了我的通讯录。She picked up the aerosol and gave it a shake.拿起喷雾剂摇了摇。With a courage born of necessity, she seized the gun and ran at him.迫于情势,她平生出一股勇气,拿起枪向他冲去。She took the parcel and started to undo the string.拿起包裹,开始解开包扎绳。He picked up his book and continued reading.拿起书继续看下去。He picked up a shovel and laid to with the others.拿起铲子同大家一起大干。Miss Melville took a cookie and nibbled at it.梅尔维尔小姐拿起一块饼干小口吃起来。I picked up a copy of Life magazine, and what should I find in it but a half page picture of the house.拿起一本《生活》杂志,除了半数页面都是房屋图片外,就没什么了。She got to the phone just before the answering machine picked up.她刚好赶在答录机录音之前拿起了电话。Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。Then she picked up her bag and rose to leave.然后她拿起包站起来要走。




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