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词汇 拳头
例句 My fist glanced off his jaw.我的拳头斜擦着他的下巴而过。The Georgia man whacked his fist on the bar.那名佐治亚州男子的拳头重重地砸在柜台上。The boxers rained blows/punches on each other. 两位拳击手的拳头雨点般地打向对方。Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought.吉尔盘着腿,一个拳头支着下巴,仿佛陷入了沉思。Thomas banged his fist on the table.托马斯的拳头重重地砸在桌子上。She shouted wildly at him, shaking her fist.她挥舞着拳头向他怒吼。The boxer rained blows on his opponent's head. 那名拳击手雨点般的拳头击打在对手的头部。They set to with their fists.他们动起了拳头The two drivers began yelling and shaking their fists at each other.两位司机开始挥舞着拳头大吵起来。I stood up quickly and balled my hands into fists.我迅速站起来,双手攥成拳头I got so mad I just wanted to punch someone out.我气疯了,就想拿拳头打人。It seemed that Rory was spoiling for a fight; his fists were balled and he was breathing heavily.看样子罗里很想打一架;他攥紧拳头,呼吸粗重。His fists were balled, and his face was mottled red and white.他握紧了拳头,脸色变得红一块白一块的。He smashed his fist down on the table.他把拳头狠狠地砸在桌上。She heard the smack of fist against face.她听到了拳头打在脸上的声音。Mahoney clenched his fist in exasperation.马奥尼恼怒地攥紧拳头His fist landed forcefully against Mike's jaw.他的拳头重重地落在迈克的下巴上。She saw Joe's fists clench.她看到乔的拳头慢慢攥紧。She flourished her clenched fist at him.她对他挥舞握紧的拳头He was so angry he slammed his fist into the wall.他非常生气,拳头猛地朝墙上打去。He unclenched his fist.他松开了拳头I managed to duck his flying fists.我把头一低,设法躲过了他挥来的拳头He caught her on the side of her head with his other fist.他的另一只拳头从侧面击中她的头部。Then he hammered on the door, using his fists as if they were mallets.然后他用他的拳头敲门,就像用大头锤一样。At the end, Graf punched the air in delight, a huge grin on her face.最后,格拉夫高兴得挥动着拳头,脸上笑开了花。Blow after blow landed on the boy's head.拳头接二连三落在小男孩的头上。Don't say it serves me right or I'll thump you.别说我活该,不然让你尝尝我的拳头He started swinging at me with his fists.他开始挥起拳头打我。Brian's face balled up like a fist.布赖恩的脸鼓得像个拳头They went for each other with their fists and had to be pulled apart.他们挥着拳头打了起来,不得不被人拉开。She held up a clenched fist in defiance.她举起紧握的拳头以示抗争。Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.亚历克丝攥紧拳头,牙咬得咯咯响。She ran at him, her fists flying.她挥舞着拳头向他跑去。I tried to stop him and there was an exchange of blows.我曾试图阻止他,结果我们俩拳头相向。Velluci ran after the car waving his fists.维卢西挥着拳头追赶那辆汽车。He banged his fist loudly on the table.他的拳头重重地砸在桌上。Talk like that and I'll give you a smack in the mouth.再这样说话,我就让你嘴巴吃拳头Some protesters shook their fists in anger.一些抗议者愤怒地挥舞着拳头Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.拉里气愤地挺直了后背,上半身前倾至座位边缘,边朝我们挥舞拳头边吐口水。Everything was fine until someone threw a punch.开头还好好的,后来不知是谁动了拳头




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