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词汇 clever
例句 The story has a clever opening.故事有个巧妙的开头。Hargreaves is a clever and ambitious politician.哈格里夫斯是个聪明、有抱负的政治家。A colleague of mine in Milan devised the following very clever little experiment.我在米兰的一个同事设计了下面这个非常巧妙的小实验。It's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive shapes.那是一种设计得很精巧的小器具,可以用来把蔬菜切成漂亮的形状。He's very clever: you have to say that for him.他非常聪明:你得承认这点。A few clever students have started a business recycling old computers.一些头脑聪明的学生已经做起了回收旧电脑的生意。The boy is clever and will go far in his job.这男孩很聪明,工作会成功的。Don't fall into the trap of trying to be too clever.别弄巧成拙。He was able to survive the scandal only because he had several clever assistants who ran interference for him.他能从丑闻中脱身,多亏了他的几个聪明的助手给他打了掩护。She seemed to have a clever comeback for everything I said.无论我说什么,她似乎都能巧妙地予以反驳。Whenever I try to be clever, I usually foul up. 每当我想耍点小聪明的时候,通常都会把事情搞砸。She's clever, but she can't communicate her ideas.她虽然很聪明,但不会表达自己的观点。Mr. Smith's clever arguments soon forced his opponents into a corner.史密斯先生的精彩辩论很快使他的对手陷入困境。Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.以他的年龄来说特洛伊非常聪明,早就想到了骗过她的妙计。Now we could kill two birds with one stone if we were clever.我们要是聪明的话,这下子就可以一举两得了。None of her daughters was clever, no, not a one.她的几个女儿一个都不聪明,的的确确,没有一个聪明的。Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault, funny, clever and warm.别人会告诉你她有趣、聪明又热情,谦逊得过了头。His performance featured several clever improvisations.他的表演特色就是几次巧妙的即兴发挥。He got out of trouble by means of a clever trick.他略施小计摆脱了麻烦。People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.人们可能会受滑头广告的诱惑去买票。He thought himself mighty clever.他自以为聪明得不得了。She's very clever at dealing with people and saying no.她非常擅长和人打交道以及拒绝别人。Funds were not abundant and clever improvisation was necessary.资金并不富余,巧妙的临场应变是必要的。Some clever camera work gave the illusion that she was standing next to him.一些巧妙的摄影效果使人产生一种她站在他身旁的错觉。His voice doesn't have much range but he compensates with clever lyrics.他嗓音的音域不是很宽,但他用巧妙的歌词作了弥补。He was too clever to let them pull the wool over his eyes.他太聪明了,不会被他们蒙骗的。He's a nice person, though he's not very clever.他是个好人,虽然不太聪明。He looks a fool but he is really clever.他看上去呆头呆脑的,实际上却很聪明。Molly tried to hide the presents but the children were too clever for her and found them within minutes.莫莉想把礼物藏起来,但孩子们太聪明了,没几分钟就把礼物找出来了。The brand name has become well known in Britain through clever advertising.该商标名经过巧妙的广告宣传在英国已变得家喻户晓。It had been such a neat, clever plan.这个方案真是太巧妙、太高明了。He is clever, to be sure, but not very hard-working.他聪明是聪明,但是不怎麽勤奋。I'd love to be a doctor, but you have to be very clever for that. Still, you never know.我想当医生,但那得十分聪明才行。不过也很难说。He's every bit as clever as you are.他就像你一样聪明。She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding!她很善于让男人听她的吩咐!He is certainly not handsome or hardworking or clever.他实在是既不英俊,又不勤勉,也不聪明。When the defective part was recalled, the company had to do some clever spin control.缺陷部件被召回时,这家公司不得不做点巧妙的舆论引导。She thought he had some clever trick up his sleeve.她觉得他自有锦囊妙计。He's a clever man with letters after his name.他是个有头衔的聪明人。She found a clever hiding place for the letter.她找到了一个藏那封信的好地方。




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