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词汇 招数
例句 Go ahead, do your worst ! I'm not afraid of you!来吧,把你最狠的招数使出来!我不怕你!You always need a bit of a hook to get people to go to the theatre.想让人们去戏院总得有一些吸引人的招数It's a trick that might just save us from total disaster.这是一个满可以让我们免遭溃败的招数They would shamelessly entice buyers by tugging at their heartstrings.他们会厚颜无耻地使出情感招数来诱惑顾客购买。He convinced her to go without using contrivance.他没用什么招数就说服她去了。The baby's mom went through the usual contortions to get him to eat.为哄宝宝吃东西,妈妈把她惯用的招数都使了出来。I don't know what it is about John, but women just seem to throw themselves at him.我不懂约翰究竟有什么招数,反正女人们似乎总是对他投怀送抱。




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