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I had to pay a penalty fee when my cheque bounced.由于支票被银行拒付,我不得不付一笔罚金。They held back the final payment because they weren't satisfied with the work.他们拒付尾款,因为他们对所干的活儿不满意。Her check has bounced.她的支票被拒付而退回。Hall refused to give his name and address or to pay harbour dues, but the conservancy were able to track down his details.霍尔拒绝提供他的名字和地址,也拒付入港费,但是管理委员会能查出他的详细信息。The new law allows you to withhold payment if you think a bill is incorrect.如果你觉得账单不对,这条新的法律允许你拒付。To my horror the bank bounced the cheque.令我震惊的是,银行拒付了支票。The check failed to clear. 那张支票被拒付了。 |