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Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?在主权之类抽象概念的名义下打一场大战是否值得呢?I don't want to end up getting lost in abstracts.我不想最终被这些抽象概念搞糊涂。It's not a question of some abstract concept.这不是某个抽象概念的问题。Her books are filled with abstract ideas and high-flown language.她的书里充满了抽象概念和不切实际的语言。I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.我难以理解抽象概念,我们讨论一些具体的案例吧。He speaks in concepts rather than specifics.他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。 |