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词汇 抱负
例句 Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions.不要让工作中的一点烦心事打击了你的雄心抱负In my youth I wanted to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions.许多女性感到年龄歧视问题正阻碍着她们职业抱负的实现。Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。He's disappointed of his ambition.他因实现不了抱负而沮丧。Maybe we're not thinking big enough.也许我们的抱负还不够远大。It is easier for a woman to confide ambitions to a friend than a husband.女人更容易向朋友而不是丈夫诉说自己的抱负We are aspirational, we reach for the stars.我们满怀抱负,我们目标宏远。The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.看来政府已为胸怀抱负的学生设下了要求之高前所未有的重重难关。He was very ambitious for his children but not for himself. 他望子成龙心切,但自身却没有雄心抱负Tom Hanks was miscast as the arrogant city high-flyer.汤姆‧汉克斯获选饰演一个他并不相配的角色——一个傲慢自大、满怀抱负的都市人。She is clearly a dynamic young woman with big ambitions.她显然是个干劲十足的年轻女子,有很大的抱负I had fulfilled many of my youthful ambitions.年轻时的很多抱负我都一一实现了。In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。Personal ambition, feelings and prejudices must be put aside.必须抛开个人的抱负、情感和先入之见。She has aspirations to become an astronaut.她有做宇航员的抱负His ambition is to reclaim the world championship title.他的抱负是夺回世界冠军。She has enough ambition to really go places.她有足够的抱负来真正取得成功。The biography includes conjectures about the writer's earliest ambitions.这部传记包含对作者早年抱负的猜测。Her real ambition is to be a movie star, not just an actress on the stage.她真正的抱负是成为电影明星,而不是仅仅当一个舞台演员。She has aspirations to become a great writer.她有做名作家的抱负She is tough and ambitious.她坚韧顽强,满怀抱负With all her skill and ambition, I'm sure Leah will go far.以她的能力和抱负,我相信利娅一定会成功。She fulfilled her life's ambition when she started her own business.她自己创业,实现了她的人生抱负He finally realized his ambition to start his own business.他终于实现了自己创业的抱负Ambition drove her to succeed.抱负驱使她努力获得成功。Her father sabotaged her acting ambitions by refusing to let her go to drama school.她父亲存心破坏她从事演艺的抱负,拒绝让她上戏剧学校。Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions.亚历山大先生对自己的抱负毫不隐讳。His ambitions are a little sordid, too intent upon growing rich.他的抱负有点儿重利,太热中于发财致富。She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.最终实现了抱负,她显得十分欣喜。Do you have any unfulfilled ambitions?你有什么未实现的抱负吗?It's a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.这个故事讲述了穷苦的爱尔兰移民的生活与抱负Fleur encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model.弗勒尔对达娜当模特儿的抱负给予了鼓励。Bella would go to any lengths to fulfil her ambition.贝拉会想尽一切办法去实现她的抱负The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism.之前年少时对理想抱负怀有的一腔热情很快便被现实浇灭。It's always been Maria's ambition to have her own business.玛丽亚的抱负一直是自己做生意。What are our aspirations for the future?我们对未来有什么抱负?Ben's ambition is to represent Britain at the Olympics.本的抱负是要代表英国参加奥运会。




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