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词汇 抱住
例句 The woman flung her arms around him and kissed him.女人抱住他亲吻着。She wrapped her arms around her knees.她用双臂抱住膝部。I threw my arms around her and kissed her.我一把把她抱住,亲吻她。She wound her arms around his neck.她用双臂抱住他的脖子。Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe.人类至今还死抱住那个荒唐的观念不放,即我们是宇宙中唯一有智慧的生物。I grabbed ahold of his legs and held on so he could not get away.抱住他的腿不放,让他没法脱身。Stephen put his arms around her and his voice became a soft, husky whisper.斯蒂芬抱住她,说话声变成了温柔低沉的耳语。He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee.他笨拙地摔了一跤,痛苦地抱住右膝倒在地上。His strong arms were around me pinning me down.他那强有力的双臂抱住我,使我动弹不得。She wondered for a fleeting moment if he would put his arm around her.他会不会抱住自己,这个念头在她脑子里一闪而过。I grabbed the gunman from behind.我从背后抱住持枪歹徒。He threw an arm round my shoulder and nursed me step by step forward.他伸出一只手臂抱住我的肩膀,扶我一步一步往前走。With a shriek of delight, Jean hugged Maggie.琼兴奋地尖叫了一声,抱住了玛吉。She was so grateful she fell on him and kissed him.她非常感激,突然抱住他吻了一下。The smaller wrestler held his opponent in a full body lock.小个子摔跤手死死抱住对手。Two arms reached around her flailing limbs.两只手臂抱住了她胡乱挥舞的肢体。I held the cat still while the vet gave the injection.兽医给猫打针时,我抱住它不让它动。Without thinking, Charlotte hugged the girl to try to comfort her.夏洛特不假思索地一把抱住那个女孩试图安慰她。The little boy grabbed onto his mother's leg and wouldn't let go.小男孩抱住妈妈的腿,不让她走。The baby squirmed a lot when I tried to hold him.我想抱住这个婴儿,他却扭来扭去。Georgina took him in her arms and kissed him on the lips.乔治娜抱住他,吻他的嘴唇。While one of them tried to put his hand in my pocket, the other held me from behind.其中一人试图掏我口袋的时候,另一个人从后面抱住了我。She put her arms around him and lifted him up.抱住他,把他举了起来。Emilio doubled over, grabbing his leg.埃米利奥弓起身子,抱住自己的腿。Little John caught him round the legs.小约翰一把抱住他的腿。He flung his arms around her.他猛地抱住她。He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim's legs to try to trip him up.他突然抱住吉姆叔叔的腿,想把他撂倒。Mama put her arms around me and tried to comfort me.妈妈抱住我,尽力安慰我。I swooped her up in my arms.我突然抱住她。She tried to pull away from the man who was holding her.她试图挣脱抱住她的那个男人。She hugged her daughter.抱住她的女儿。She threw her arms around him in wordless grief.她满怀无言的悲痛,张开双臂一把抱住他。




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