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例句 If this government win the next election, I'm leaving the country.如果这个政府在下次选举中获胜,我就离开这个国家。He would be well advised to practise a bit harder before the next game.下次比赛之前他应该练得更刻苦点儿。I want my next child born at home.我想下次在家生孩子。At the next election the opposition parties will try to capture some marginal seats from the government.下次选举中,反对党将力图从政府手中争取一些边缘席位。Do pay us a visit next time you're in Birmingham.下次你来伯明翰一定要来看看我们。We agreed to defer discussion of these issues until the next meeting.我们同意把这些问题推迟到下次会议讨论。Next time you'll find yourself doing bird.再有下次的话,你就等着蹲监狱吧。As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.正如我在电话里解释的那样,下次开会将考虑你的请求。We were sent a reminder about the next meeting.我们收到了关于下次会议的通知。Look me up next time you're in Los Angeles.下次来洛杉矶时一定要来看我。Will the Labour Party get back at the next election?工党在下次大选中会重新上台吗?We have to wait until the next meeting, whenever that is.我们只好等到下次会议,虽然不知它什么时候开。There's no more sugar. You'll have to get some next time you go out.糖用完了。下次你出门得买些。On the website you can see a set of drawings previewing her next exhibition.在网站上你可以看到一组预告她下次展览的绘画作品。It will be interesting to see what happens at the next election.看看下次选举将发生什么会很有意思。Please rush details in your next dispatch.请赶快在下次急报中告知详情。He chewed out the player, who apologized the next time I saw him.他把那名运动员训斥了一通,下次我见到那名运动员时,他道了歉。So may I humbly suggest we all do something next time.那么鄙人可否建议下次我们大家都要做点事。You might try a little more basil in the sauce next time.下次你可以试着在调味汁里多加点罗勒。We need to set a time for the next meeting.我们得为下次会议定个时间。Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.请将这件事在下次会议上提出讨论。Take a list of healthy foods on your next visit to the supermarket.下次去超市时带张健康食品单。The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。Brown said the issue would be brought up again at the next climate convention.布朗说这个问题会在下次气候会议上再次提出来。Don't worry, it's not important, it'll keep.别担心,这事不重要,下次再说。That quip is one I'll be memorising for my next quick comeback.我会记住那段妙语,以便下次可以作出机智的回应。Next time you go shopping, throw in a few extra fruit and vegetables.下次你去买东西,多买点水果蔬菜。Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election.税收将会是下次大选的主要议题之一。I'll take more careful aim next time.下次我会更仔细地瞄准。We'll give the plan an airing at the next meeting.我们将在下次会议上公开讨论这个计划。Such unpopular legislation is unlikely to be introduced before the next election.如此不受欢迎的立法不可能在下次选举之前提出。The coach prophetically promised a victory in the next game.教练有先见之明地预见了下次比赛的胜利。What time does the next post go?下次收信是什么时候?Next time Tim challenges you to a game of poker, say no.下次蒂姆提出和你比试打扑克时,要拒绝他。In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting.至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。Please remember to bring a mat and a towel with you to the next aerobics class.下次有氧健身课时请记得带垫子和毛巾。I'll make us a cup of tea in the next break.下次插播广告时我去给大家泡杯茶。Next time you call, choose a more Christian time.下次打电话,挑个符合文明人起居习惯的时间。The next meeting will take place on Thursday.下次会议将在星期四举行。The matter will be raised at our next meeting.这个问题将在我们下次的会议上提出。




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