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词汇 抬起头来
例句 When she passed by, everyone here would look up and nod to her.当她走过时,这里的每一个人都会抬起头来向她点头致意。Mr. Morgon did not look up from his maps, but he muttered a greeting.摩根先生看著地图,没有抬起头来,但是他低声招呼了一声。I looked up from my newspaper and there he was, as large as life, Tim Trotter!我看完报纸抬起头来,竟意外地看到了蒂姆‧特罗特,真的是他本人,一点儿没错。A shadow fell over her work and she looked up to see who was there.一道影子落在她手头的活儿上,她抬起头来看看是谁。The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating.正在烧烤台上忙活的厨师抬起头来;他的脸上直冒汗。I looked up to see her straddling one of the huge branches of the oak tree.抬起头来,只见她跨腿坐在橡树上一根粗大的树枝上。She lifted her eyes to meet her father's gaze.抬起头来迎着父亲凝视的目光。Dad looked up from his paper and smiled.爸爸从报纸上抬起头来笑了笑。She looked up, her face creasing into a smile.抬起头来,脸上露出了微笑。He looked up at me with bright eyes.抬起头来用明亮的眼睛看着我。His head jerked up and he stared at me.他猛然抬起头来并盯着我看。Caroline looked up and laughed.卡罗琳抬起头来笑了。She stopped faffing suddenly and looked up.她突然不再瞎忙活,抬起头来看。Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.艾丽斯看书时偶尔会抬起头来I jerked my head up and stared at her.我猛地抬起头来盯着她看。Every few minutes he glanced up from his work.每过几分钟他就停下手头的工作抬起头来看一眼。He looked up at me with a scowl.抬起头来,皱着眉头看着我。Stevens looked up and growled at me.史蒂文斯抬起头来朝我怒吼。He let his head loll and jerk up as if out of sleep.他耷拉着脑袋,然后突然惊醒般抬起头来She read the letter and looked up dejectedly.她看完信,沮丧地抬起头来Hughes stared up at him in close-up from the photograph.休斯抬起头来凝视他的特写照片。The clerk looked up from his tally-book.职员从他的帐簿上抬起头来She looked up at him with beseeching eyes.抬起头来,用哀求的目光看着他。The dog lay at his feet, looking up from time to time with big mournful eyes.那狗躺在他脚下,不时地抬起头来看看,大大的眼睛里充满了忧伤。Andy glanced up from his newspaper.安迪停下读报,抬起头来看了一眼。She stared up at him, a soft smile on her face.抬起头来望着他,脸上挂着一丝和蔼的笑容。




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