例句 |
Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.她浓密的秀发披在肩上。The blanket she wore over her shoulders was ragged and filthy.她披在肩上的毯子又破又脏。Today she wore her hair down around her shoulders.今天她的头发披在肩上。I pulled a blanket around my shoulders.我拉出一条毯子披在肩上。Her hair had loosened and was tangled around her shoulders.她的头发打了开来,散乱地披在肩上。She knotted a sweater around her shoulders. 她把毛衣披在肩上,两个袖子在胸前打成结。Natasha took the coat and draped it over her shoulders.娜塔莎拿起外套披在肩上。Her hair hung down on her shoulders.她的头发披在肩上。She undid the ribbon and let her hair fall over her shoulders.她解开丝带让头发披在肩上。Her unconfined hair fell to her shoulders.她松散的头发披在肩上。 |