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词汇 unrest
例句 The reforms were introduced against a background of social unrest.改革是在社会动荡的背景下开始的。The most immediate spark for unrest could come from the economy.导致动荡局面的最直接原因可能来自经济。The increase in fees sparked a new wave of student unrest.增加收费引发了新一轮学潮。They can cause revolts in enemy provinces by fermenting unrest.通过挑起骚动,他们可以在敌方省份制造叛乱。The incident led to domestic unrest in the cities.这一事件导致国内城市出现骚乱。The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing.动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest.好几个因素被引证为这次动乱的起因。The Foreign Office is advising people not to travel to the area, because of civil unrest.外交部建议民众不要前往该区,因为那里发生了内乱。Political unrest caused mass emigration following the war.政治动乱导致战后大批人移居境外。The unrest rapidly deteriorated into civil war.骚乱很快就演变为内战。Many businesses were looted during the unrest.很多店铺在骚乱中被抢。He accused students of fanning social unrest.他指责学生煽动社会动乱。For several weeks students at the university have been in a state of unrest.几个星期以来,大学里的学生一直处于动乱之中。Social unrest adumbrated the French Revolution.社会动荡预示法国大革命的到来。In some parts, there are still pockets of violence and unrest.在某些地区,仍然存在零星的暴力和动乱。Ethnic unrest is spreading throughout the south-western republics of the former Soviet Union.种族骚乱正波及前苏联西南部的各共和国。The real danger is civil unrest in the east of the country.真正的危险是该国东部地区的民众动乱。The country was seething with political unrest.该国政治动乱四起。Mondovi provoked severe unrest, contributing to the rebellious mood of the entire region.蒙多维煽动起严重的暴乱,使整个地区的叛乱气氛更趋加重。A few years ago there was unrest in the country at large.几年前全国发生了动乱。It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.我们害怕现在国内出现的骚乱会升级为全面内战。He said students were fanning social unrest with their violent protests.他说学生们的暴力抗议会煽动起社会动乱。Church leaders assert that the recent unrest in the city is born out of years of neglect of the city's poor neighborhoods.教会负责人断言,市里近来的骚乱祸起于多年对城市贫民区的忽视。The unrest has roots in religious differences.动荡的根源是宗教分歧。The capital city is facing growing political unrest.首都正面临着日益严重的政治动乱。Troops eventually quelled the unrest.军队最终平息了动乱。The nation was seething with political unrest.这个国家因政治骚乱正动荡不安。A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party's popularity.停滞不前的经济和最近发生的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。The real danger is civil unrest in the country.真正的危险是这个国家的民众动乱。This issue is creating unrest on the backbenches.此问题正在后座议员中引起骚动。There is growing unrest among students.学生的不满情绪日益高涨。There was widespread industrial unrest in the north.北方出现了大范围的行业动荡。Reports of civil unrest continue to come in from the northern provinces.国民骚乱的报道不断从北方各省传来。There could be more unrest, but I wouldn't exaggerate the problems.可能会有更大的动荡,不过我想也不必夸大问题。Social unrest, never far below the surface in Brazil, has erupted over the last few days.巴西一直以来一触即发的社会不安定因素在过去的几天里爆发了。The general accused him of fomenting unrest in the southwest during May Day riots.这位将军指控他在西南地区五一节期间发生的骚乱中煽风点火。The murder of a boy by police sparked further unrest in the occupied zone.一名男孩被警方杀害的事件在被占领区引发了进一步的骚乱。Recently there has been unrest in the country at large.近来全国发生了动乱。The economic unrest spread over several years.经济的动荡不安延续了数年之久。There are signs of political unrest in the country.这个国家有政治不安定的迹象。




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