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词汇 报社
例句 The newspaper's editors want to solicit opinions/comments from readers.这家报社的编辑想要征求读者意见。Just as we were about to publish the story, we were scooped by a rival paper.正当我们打算发布这条消息时,被另一家报社抢先了一步。He preinformed the newspapers of his decision.他把决定预先告诉了报社The newspaper's attorneys argued that the article was not a libel.报社的辩护律师反驳说此篇文章并非诽谤。The newspaper sent its first-string critic to review the play.报社派出了他们最优秀的评论员来评论这部戏剧。Each newspaper had its own style.每一家报社都有自己的行文格式。The article was deliberately misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.这篇文章有意误导,报社道歉了。A week after the story broke, the newspaper printed a follow-up.报道发布一周后,这家报社又发表了一篇后续报道。A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film.一位报社的摄影师正在给他的照相机装胶卷。The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry.报社请人撰写了一系列针砭时装业极端倾向的文章。They drafted a letter to the local newspaper.他们起草了一封写给当地报社的信。She works for a newspaper.她为一家报社工作。She got an internship at the city newspaper.她得到了本市报社的实习生职位。The paper had intended to base itself in London.这家报社原来打算把总部设在伦敦。We advised newspapers not to accept the advertising.我们建议报社不要承接这项广告。He left his local paper to become the Daily Telegraph's defence correspondent.他离开原来供职的地方报社,成了《每日电讯报》的国防事务记者。She drafted an angry letter to the newspaper.她起草了一封给报社的怒气冲冲的信。But his paper spiked the story.但是他所在的报社弃用了这篇报道。She applied for a job with the local newspaper.她申请当地报社的一个职位。He wants to work for a newspaper when he graduates.他毕业后想去报社工作。He worked for a small newspaper in Queensland, Australia.他在澳大利亚昆士兰一家小报社工作。He filed an urgent story to his newspaper in London.他给在伦敦的报社发了一篇紧急报道。The reporter beat it to the telephone to call in the news.记者疾步奔向电话机,向报社报道消息。He is on leave from his newspaper for the campaign.他为了参加竞选运动,请了假不去报社上班。It was a bad day for press freedom when she took charge of the paper.她掌管报社的那一天对于新闻自由而言是灰暗的一天。Witnesses threatened to recant their testimony when the court released their names to the paper.法院把证人的名字透露给报社后,证人们威胁要公开撤回证词。The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.报社收到了关于这篇文章的大量投诉/信件/电话。She got a job on a national newspaper.她在一个国家级报社找了一份工作。He was a callow youth when he joined the newspaper.他进报社时还是个乳臭未干的小伙子。So does he respect the press and media, or does he secretly scorn them?他究竟是尊重报社和媒体,还是暗地里蔑视他们?He sent the documents anonymously to a local newspaper.他匿名把文件寄给了当地一家报社They must face the likelihood that the newspaper might go bankrupt.他们必须面对这个现实 — 报社可能要倒闭。He illegally used money from the newspaper's pension fund.他非法使用了报社的养老保险基金。The newspaper picks and chooses which stories to report.这家报社精心挑选所要报道的事件。The retiring editor received a special salute from the local newspaper.那位即将退休的编辑获得了这家地方报社的特别致敬。This local newspaper has been a training ground for several top journalists.这家地方报社培养了数名顶尖记者。She is a talented journalist who has brought credit to the newspaper.她是一名有才华的记者,为报社赢得了荣誉。Mr Buzetta sold the newspaper's assets to its competitor and shut it down.布兹塔先生将报社资产卖给了竞争对手然后关门了事。The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations.报社拒绝透露那些说法的来源。The newspaper has agreed to withdraw its allegations.报社已同意撤回指控。




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