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例句 The imminent crisis in our balance of payments may be the President's nemesis.迫在眉睫的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应It was poetic justice that she was caught.她被抓住了,真是报应I think I'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil.我觉得我现在更加注重精神生活,而且我真的相信善恶报应Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President's nemesis.不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应After the way she treated Sam, it's only poetic justice that Dave left her.她那样对待萨姆,戴夫离开她真是她的报应All his earlier mistakes are coming home to roost.他早些时候犯的那些错误现在都报应到他自己身上了。What poetic justice it is that Brady has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.布雷迪不得不上法院恳求被处死,就如同当初无辜的受害者恳求免于一死一样,真是报应The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.主要人物是一个持枪杀人的坏蛋,最终得到了报应He was a man more sinned against than sinning.他是个过错无多而报应太重的人。The neighbors considered his broken leg a judgment on him for staying away from church.他的邻居认为,他摔断大腿是对他不去做礼拜的报应He called down vengeance on them.他祈求上天给他们报应She's callous and snobbish and it's time she got her comeuppance.她这人又冷漠又势利眼,这下子可得了报应了。He was a bully, and in the end he got what he deserved.他喜欢恃强凌弱,结果是自作自受得了报应They are locked into a self-perpetuating cycle of fear and retribution.他们陷入循环不息的恐惧和报应的轮回中。They are seeking retribution for the killings.他们的杀戮行为必将遭到报应An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.恶行可能会报应在作恶者自己头上。I would like to see these people treated with liberal doses of their own medicine.我希望看到这些人受到很大的报应




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