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词汇 报上
例句 Not telling the staff before they read the news in the papers was an error of judgment.没有在员工看到报上的消息前告诉他们实情是个判断失误。We learned of his marriage in the newspapers.我们从报上获悉他结婚了。Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers.爸爸在看报上的滑稽连环画栏时总要咯咯发笑。Party officials vetted every story that went into the paper.党的官员检查了登在报上的每篇报道。I believe they've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press.我相信,那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的营业额已经翻番。Many names have been bandied about in the press as the manager's replacement.报上传着许多人的名字,说是要接替主教练的位置。The article came too late and was crowded out of yesterday's edition.那篇文章交得太晚,未被刊登在昨天的报上The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。The story quickly receded off the major newspapers.这篇报道很快从各家大报上撤去。The actor's wedding got a mention in the newspapers.报上提到了这位演员的婚礼。I've brought an article from yesterday's paper that I thought might amuse you.我带来了昨天报上的一篇文章,或许可以让你开怀一笑。Wrt your looking out for a new computer, I saw a good offer in the paper yesterday.关于你留意要买新电脑一事,我昨天在报上看到一个优惠的报价。His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he'd evaded his taxes.由于报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。His former associates have been sniping at him in the press.他从前的合伙人在报上诽谤他。Reports of official graft and profiteering were blacked out in the press.有关官吏贪污受贿和牟取暴利的报道被禁止在报上发表。I read the book/film reviews in the newspaper.我看了报上的书评/影评。The story I read in the newspaper said they intend to close the theatre down.我在报上看到报道说他们打算关闭这家剧院。The paper says that it might rain.报上预报可能有雨。It was in this morning's newspaper.它登在今天的早报上She learnt of her son's success in the newspapers.她从报上获悉儿子成功的消息。Did you read of their accident in the newspapers?你在报上看到他们遭遇意外事故的消息了吗?A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.报上开始了对那位已故女士全方位的人身攻击。Letters published in the newspaper are edited for brevity and clarity.报上刊登的来信都要编辑得简洁明了。The newspaper's exposure of their crimes led to their arrest.报上揭露了他们的罪行,这些人因而被捕。There was an article in yesterday's paper that might interest you.昨天的报上有篇文章你可能会感兴趣。If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper.如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报上发表它。Seeing that advertisement in the paper was a lucky break for me.看见报上那则广告是我的好运。Scan the newspaper article quickly and make a note of the main points.报上的那篇文章快速浏览一遍,记下要点。Because journalists don't think the congressman constitutes much of a threat, they don't write or broadcast stories about him.新闻记者认为那位国会议员不会构成什么威胁,所以就不在报上或电台电视节目中报道他的消息了。Since we put the advertisement in the paper we've had dozens of phone calls.自从我们在报上登了广告之后,我们收到了很多电话。There was a blurb in the newspaper about the new movie.报上有一篇推荐那部新电影的短文。The president went home leaving in his wake a string of laudatory headlines and editorials.总统回国去了,报上随后登出了一连串赞美的大标题和社论。Hogan had read about her death in the paper.霍根在报上获悉了她的死讯。The account of the event is to be found in today's papers.关于这一事件的报道可在今天的报上找到。There was an item in yesterday's paper about the return of the hostages.昨天的报上有一条关于放回人质的新闻。The scandal was the lead in the papers.这件丑闻是报上的头版消息。That was a terrible case of blackmail in the paper today.今天报上登的那宗勒索案真可怕。The scandal appeared in all the dailies.这一丑闻出现在所有的日报上The matter was blown up in the press.这件事在报上被夸大了。The papers bore reports of attacks on the town by guerrillas.报上载有游击队袭击该镇的报道。




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