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词汇 抢先
例句 The city's biggest newspaper got scooped by a weekly paper that released the story a full day before.一家周报比市里最大的报社抢先整整一天报道了这则新闻。I was just going to clean the kitchen, but you beat me to it.我刚准备打扫厨房,你已经抢先做完了。I was going to say something but he beat me to it.我刚要开口说几句,却被他抢先说了。O'Leary made to open the door, but Bunbury forestalled him by laying a hand on his arm.奥利里想去开门,但是邦伯里抢先一把摁住了他的胳膊。The idea is to get the jump on him.要的就是抢先他一步。Don't anticipate the climax of the story.抢先把故事的高潮抖出来。When I went to take the keys I found that someone had beaten me to it.当我去拿钥匙时发现有人抢先拿走了。The paper managed to secure a major scoop and broke the scandal to the world.这家报纸设法抢先报道了一个重要新闻,把这件丑闻公诸于世。Large numbers of police were in the square to forestall any demonstrations.大批警察抢先进驻广场以防止发生示威游行。I beat him narrowly to the finish line. 我略微抢先于他冲过终点线。Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell people about my pregnancy.在我打算告诉大家我怀孕的消息之前两天,桑迪抢先宣布她怀孕了,抢了我的风头。She beat him to the punch by having her say before he had a chance to speak.在他还没有机会说话以前,她便抢先发了言。Tom came from behind to eke out a half-second victory.汤姆好不容易后来居上,抢先半秒钟获胜。It was his first major scoop and he promised not to reveal the source of his information.这是他抢先报道的第一宗大新闻,他答应不透露消息的来源。The newspaper has scored many notable beats.这家报纸曾多次抢先报道重大消息。I left the room to forestall involvements.抢先离开了这房间以免牵累。All the newspapers really want to do is scoop the opposition.所有报社真正想做的就是比对手抢先报道。The company has continued to be successful because it always stays one jump ahead of its competitors.这家公司不断获得成功是因为它总是抢先对手一步。He wanted to ask Mary to dance, but Ron beat him to the punch.他想邀请玛丽跳舞,但是罗恩抢先了一步。Hitachi has beaten its competitors to the punch with its new palmtop.日立公司比其他竞争者抢先推出了新的掌上计算机。Just as we were about to publish the story, we were scooped by a rival paper.正当我们打算发布这条消息时,被另一家报社抢先了一步。CNN quickly recognised the opportunity for a scoop.有线电视新闻网很快就抓住时机作了抢先报道。




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