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词汇 在墙上
例句 He ran into the wall and was knocked cold.他撞在墙上而昏了过去。Kay was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.凯靠在墙上抽烟。This helps the plaster adhere to the wall.这有助于灰泥附着在墙上We plastered and sanded the walls before painting them.我们在墙上先涂灰泥,接着打磨墙面,然后再刷漆。Some of the prisoners had scratched their names on the walls.有些犯人在墙上刻下自己的姓名。He used a drill to bore a hole in the wall.他用钻子在墙上凿了一个洞。Someone had plastered a political poster on the wall.有人在墙上张贴了政治海报。She was sitting on the wall, eating an apple.她坐在墙上吃着苹果。Which one of you children crayoned the wall? 你们哪个孩子用蜡笔在墙上画画了?We were sitting together in our cell, chained to the wall.我们一起坐在牢里,手被铐在墙上She splattered the paint messily on the wall.她把涂料很随意地洒在墙上She threw her glass across the room and it hit the wall.她把玻璃杯扔向屋子的那一头,砸在墙上You could even put a trellis on your walls and train plants to grow up it.你甚至可以在墙上搭置棚架,让植物攀缘其上。He spray-painted his name on the wall.他把自己的名字喷涂在墙上She smashed her new motorcycle into a wall.她开着自己的新摩托车猛撞在墙上He was leaning languidly against the wall.他无精打采地靠在墙上Their bikes were resting against the wall.他们的自行车靠在墙上His blow drove a hole in the wall.他一拳在墙上打出个洞。The poster was bonded to the wall with glue/adhesive.海报用胶水/黏合剂粘在墙上I had screwed the shelf on the wall myself.我自己用螺钉把架子固定在墙上A large safety screen, securely fixed to the wall, will prevent a child coming into contact with a fire.一块很大的安全隔板牢固地固定在墙上,可以防止儿童接触到火。Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.流水在墙上冲刷出了一道凹槽。The ladder was flat against the wall.梯子平靠在墙上He used a hammer to knock a hole in the wall.他用锤子在墙上凿了一个洞。The bullets left pockmarks in the wall.子弹在墙上留下了弹痕。Every inch of my niece's wall is covered with posters of pop groups.我侄女在墙上的每一块地方都贴了流行乐队的海报。You could put a trellis on your wall and train plants to grow up it.你可以在墙上搭个棚架,让植物沿着它往上长。We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.我们在墙上刷了一层新漆把上面的污迹覆盖了。He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue.他倚靠在墙上,拼尽力气继续下去。Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些美术馆把捐赠者的姓名镌刻在墙上以示纪念。She rested the ladder against the wall.她把梯子靠在墙上The boys sprayed graffiti on the wall.这些男孩用喷枪在墙上涂鸦。Two heavily built men pinned him against the wall.两个大块头的男人把他抵在墙上The pictures, too, were absent from the walls.那些画也不在墙上了。Streamers hung slackly from the walls.彩带松松地吊在墙上The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子。A picture on the wall caught his eye.在墙上的一幅画引起了他的注意。I can't get the children's dirty fingermarks off the wall.我没法弄掉孩子们留在墙上的脏指印。I particularly like the type of shelving that screws to the wall.我尤其喜欢那种用螺钉固定在墙上的搁板。She leaned the brush against the wall.她把刷子靠在墙上




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