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Analysts said the share sell-off was an overreaction.分析者声称抛售股票有些反应过火。When the going gets tough, be prepared to sell your stocks.情形不妙的话,你得作好抛售股票的准备。There was a Gadarene rush to sell shares.人们疯狂地抛售股票。By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price.到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。She was selling off stock at half-price.她正在半价抛售股票。As an investor, he's a contrarian, preferring to buy stocks when most people are selling.作为一个投资者,他是个另类,喜欢在大多数人抛售股票时买进。It is illogical to sell stocks and shares when their value is low.低价的时候抛售股票是不合理的。 |