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Thanks to the exertions of a few sensible and courageous men, the compromise was accepted.由于少数明智且勇敢的人的努力,折中方案被采纳了。The two sides continue to look for a middle ground between two extremes.双方继续寻求两个极端之间的折中方案。They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow.他们经过讨论达成了一项莫斯科可以接受的折中方案。UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals.联合国谈判人员制定出一套折中方案。She offered a reasonable compromise.她提出了一个合理的折中方案。Many delegates were willing to craft a compromise.很多代表愿意制订出一个折中方案。Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise.谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。This compromise would be in the interests of the fishing industry.这个折中方案将对捕鱼业有利。After much discussion, she offered a compromise.经过多次商讨,她提出了一个折中方案。The compromise is that commercial development will be postponed until researchers determine whether the technology is safe.折中方案是推迟该技术的商业开发直至研究者确定其安全性。The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula.外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。 |