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词汇 Clean
例句 Clean the wound carefully so you don't get an infection.仔细清洗伤口,这样你就不会感染了。Clean up this crap before the company comes.在客人来到之前,把这堆垃圾清除掉。Clean your room, and make it snappy! 整理一下你的房间,快点!Clean the wound with mild antibacterial soap.用温和抗菌皂清洗伤口。Clean the wound and put on a fresh dressing.清洗伤口并放上新敷料。Clean the surface with a damp cloth.用湿布清洁表面。Clean the counter with a damp cloth.用一块湿布擦柜台。Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth.用柔软的干布擦拭金属。Clean the glass with a soft cloth.用软布擦玻璃。This place is filthy. Clean it up.这个地方太脏了,清扫一下吧。Clean up the flour you spilled on the floor.把你弄到地板上的面粉清理干净。Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.清洁通风管道,以清除灰尘和昆虫残骸。Clean the sink outlet.清理水槽的排水口。Clean and exfoliate your skin before applying make-up.化妆前先清洁皮肤并去除角质。The Clean Air Act would increase the cost of electric power in the Midwest.清洁空气法将会增加中西部的电力成本。Clean the wound and bandage it to prevent contamination.把伤口清理干净并包扎好,以防感染。Clean that muck off your shoes.把你鞋上的污泥擦干净。Clean with a soft cloth dipped in warm soapy water.用一块蘸过温肥皂水的软布来清洁。Clean off the table so we can eat.把桌子擦干净,这样我们就可以用餐了。Clean the plastic cover with a damp sponge, then dry it off with a soft cloth.用湿海绵把塑料盖擦干净,然后用一块柔软的布把它擦干。Clean water is a precious commodity in many parts of the world.在世界上很多地方洁净的水是昂贵的商品。Clean up that mess before your father sees it.快把这乱糟糟的东西收拾干净,免得让你父亲看见。Clean drinking water has greatly improved the villagers' quality of life.干净的饮用水极大地提高了村民们的生活质量。Clean the mussels and discard any that do not close.把贻贝洗干净,凡是合不上口的都扔掉。Clean the rug by sponging it gently.用湿布轻轻擦洗来清洁地毯。Clean air is a valuable natural resource that needs to be protected.纯净空气是一种珍贵的自然资源,应当加以保护。Clean your face with soap to remove accumulated dirt and oil.用肥皂洗掉你脸上的积土和油污。Clean the car from the top, preferably with a hose and warm water.最好用软管和温水从顶部开始清洗汽车。Clean the wound to guard against infection.清洗伤口以防感染。Clean up this room immediately - and that's an order!立刻清理好这间屋子——这是命令!Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.用一把硬刷子在冷自来水下冲洗贻贝。Clean or replace the air filter before attempting to start the engine.发动引擎前,清洁或更换空气过滤器。Clean the affected area with an antiseptic.用抗菌剂清洗感染部位。Clean the area with disinfectant.用消毒剂清洁这块地方。Clean the cut and cover it to prevent infection.洗净伤口并包扎起来以防感染。Clean the wound thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection.彻底清洗伤口以减少感染的风险。Clean and dress the wound immediately.马上清洗包扎伤口。This place is a pigsty! Clean it up.这地方太肮脏了!把它打扫干净。Clean the exterior of the car thoroughly before applying paint.在喷漆前要把汽车的外部彻底洗净。




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