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词汇 把戏
例句 Young car thieves enjoy playing cat and mouse with the police.年轻的盗车贼喜欢与警察玩猫捉老鼠的把戏It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。More business/political shenanigans were exposed in the newspapers today.今天的报纸又揭露了一些商业诈骗/政治把戏These deceptions cost them dear.这些骗人的把戏使他们付出了很高的代价。That was a pretty mean trick.把戏可是够卑鄙的。Our dog Rex did all sorts of tricks. I cried when he died.我们的狗雷克斯会玩各种各样的把戏。它死的时候我哭了。She won't fall for such a stupid trick.她不会被这么愚蠢的把戏骗倒。As soon as the jig is up, he flew off to Paris.一看到把戏被拆穿,成功已无望,他飞往巴黎去了。The monkey and the dog performed several tricks.猴子和狗耍了几出把戏No one is fooled by this charade.这种装模作样的把戏骗不了人。Kerry's parents got wise to her tricks.克里的父母识破了她的把戏It's an old trick but it just might work.这是个老掉牙的把戏了,不过也许会有用。I don't think Mr Cavanagh would get far with that trick.我想卡瓦纳先生的那套把戏玩不了多久。He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade.他在新闻发布会上说选举将是一场骗人的把戏Most of these conjuring tricks depend on sleight of hand.这些魔术把戏大多数都是依靠巧妙的手法。His favourite party trick is balancing tin cans on his head.他在聚会上的拿手把戏是用头顶罐头。People are getting wise to the tricks politicians use in campaign advertisements.人们逐渐意识到政客们在竞选宣传中使用的把戏There's some jiggery-pokery going on behind the scenes.在幕后有一些骗人的把戏Kenny's favourite party trick is to bite the caps off beer bottles.肯尼在聚会上最爱露一手的把戏是把啤酒瓶盖一个个咬开。Mia realised her trick had rebounded on her.米娅意识到她的把戏反而害了自己。She believed Rodney's sudden change in attitude was only a sham.她确信罗德尼的态度突然转变只是一种骗人的把戏而已。When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff.情况愈发难以确定,我们最终陷入一个唬人的把戏中。Only a chump like him will fall for an easy trick like this.只有像他那样的傻瓜才会上这种把戏的当。I realized that he had been playing a stupid game with me.我意识到他一直在和我玩一个愚蠢的把戏His talk is a series of verbal conjuring tricks with indefinables.他的谈话是一整套玩弄模糊不清概念的言语把戏What are you up to now, you young demon?你想搞什么把戏?你这个小捣蛋鬼!Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。He thinks psychology is a load of hocus-pocus.他认为心理学是一套骗人的把戏




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