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词汇 扳机
例句 He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear.他知道他应该扣动扳机,但突然间害怕得动弹不得。Before you pull the trigger, you have to calibrate the distance between you and your target.在扣动扳机之前,你得先校准你和目标之间的距离。He felt like a homicide as he raised the gun and pulled the trigger.他举枪扣动扳机时,感觉自己像个杀人犯。Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。He pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't fire.他扣动扳机,但枪没响。The soldiers cocked their rifles.士兵们扳起步枪扳机He fixed the deer in his sights and pulled the trigger.他瞄准那头鹿,扣动了扳机She raised the gun and pulled the trigger.她举起枪,扣动了扳机He pulled/squeezed the trigger.他扣动了扳机I heard the sentry cock his sub-machine gun.我听见哨兵扣动冲锋枪的扳机He cocked the pistol/weapon.他扣上手枪/武器的扳机I had the conviction Larkin's nerve would crack and he'd squeeze the trigger in a reflex action.我确信拉金会神经崩溃,他会反射性地扣动扳机A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.一名男子把枪对准他们,扣动了扳机His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.他手没劲儿,扣不动左轮手枪扳机He pulled the trigger of his rifle.他扣响了他步枪的扳机She raised the gun, and pulled the trigger.她举起枪,扣动了扳机He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.他扣动扳机,瓶子当即被打得粉碎。High-pressure gas could be released by pressure on a trigger.一按扳机高压气体就会被释出。In a moment of blind panic she had pulled the trigger and shot the man dead.她感到一阵莫名的恐惧,便扣动扳机,打死了那个男人。She squeezed the trigger, but the gun failed to fire.她扣动了扳机,但枪没有响。The trigger of the gun is locked so that it cannot be fired by accident.枪的扳机锁住了,所以不会走火。He squeezed the ejection trigger.他紧扣弹射装置的扳机He took sure aim and squeezed the trigger.他信心十足地瞄准后用力扣动扳机He squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened.他扣动扳机,但没有反应。My finger itched on the trigger-guard.我的手指发痒,真想打开保险扣动扳机




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