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词汇 托尼
例句 Ruth hooked her arm through Tony's.露丝 住了托尼的手臂。They converted two rooms of their house into a granny flat for Tony's elderly mother.他们将自己房子的两个房间改成了独立套房给托尼的老母亲住。Oh no! Don't look now but here comes Tony.哦不好! 现在别看,托尼来了。Tony wanted to get married as soon as he got his discharge from the army.托尼想一经批准退伍就结婚。Tony is currently appearing in pantomime at Reading.托尼目前在雷丁的圣诞节童话剧中参加演出。When the bus reached High Holborn, Tony rang the bell and they jumped off together.当公交车到达海霍尔本站时,托尼摇响了铃,他们一起跳下了车。Their manager is Danny Bennett, the son of the one and only Tony Bennett.他们的经理是丹尼·贝内特,著名的托尼·贝内特的儿子。Although Tony's married, he's bisexual.虽然托尼结婚了,但他是双性恋者。That's certainly very generous of you Tony.托尼,你真是慷慨大方。Tony felt the need to lighten the atmosphere.托尼觉得有必要活跃一下气氛。He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.他预计将在会上获得包括丹尼斯·斯金纳和托尼·本在内的很多人的支持。Tony scanned through the television programmes in the local newspaper.托尼在当地报纸上浏览了一下电视节目预告。Tony bent to look out of the window, parting the curtains with one hand.托尼用一只手把窗帘拉开,弯腰向窗外看去。Tony Ancona has been recruited as Sales Manager.托尼・安科纳受聘为销售经理。Tony drank some coffee before he continued.托尼喝了点咖啡继续说。Tony has a good job at the post office.托尼在邮局有一份高薪的工作。We heard a splash and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river.我们听到扑通一声,接着就看到托尼掉到了河里。Jerry and Tony had worked out a crafty way of avoiding paying tax.杰里和托尼想出了一条避税的巧计。The first I knew about it was when Tony called me.托尼打电话来我才刚知道这件事。Tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining.托尼在其妻子久病期间一直照料着她,从无怨言。Tony hated science when he was at school because he wasn't any good at it.托尼上学时讨厌自然科学,因为他学得很不好。Tony had a frontal confrontation with the teachers.托尼曾和老师们发生过正面冲突。It looks as if Tony is actually doing some work.看起来好像托尼竟然在干活了。Tony wants to get a job in publishing.托尼想找一份出版业的工作。Tony didn't do any studying all year but paid the price when it came to the exams.托尼一整年都不学习,可到了考试的时候就尝到苦头了。I don't relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony.我可不愿意和托尼共用一间办公室。Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.奇怪的是,她看起来竟有些面熟,这让托尼心慌意乱。The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.想到托尼正处于危险中,他备受煎熬。Tony seems to know a lot about music, but sometimes I think he's only bluffing.托尼似乎对音乐很了解,但有时我觉得他只是在装样子。Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.托尼·威廉斯在洛杉矶的一个停车场当服务生。Tony is a tireless worker.托尼干起活来不知疲倦。Tony asked us to find him office facilities in New York.托尼要我们替他在纽约找个办公地点。Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在一下子成了众人关注的中心,因为他有一份经常出镜、见报的工作。Tony looked tired and over-anxious.托尼看起来很疲惫而且过分焦虑。You can't believe a word Tony says, he's a real flatterer.托尼的话你一个字都不能信,他是个十足的马屁精。A few flattering remarks had Tony eating out of her hand.几句恭维话就让托尼对她唯命是从了。Tony was humming to himself as he drove along.托尼边开车边哼着曲子。As the story develops, Rex's character becomes much more complex than Tony's.随着故事的展开,雷克斯的性格变得比托尼更加复杂。We had a long talk about her father, Tony, who was a friend of mine.她爸爸托尼是我的朋友,我们一起谈论了他很久。Next to Tony, we're all geniuses.托尼相比,我们都是天才。




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