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词汇 clapped
例句 At the end of the speech everyone clapped.演讲结束后大家都鼓掌。He clapped his hands hard, producing a sharp report that echoed in the room.他用力一拍手,发出一声脆响在屋里回荡。Mary clapped her hand over her mouth as soon as she realized what she had said.玛丽一意识到自己说了什么话,立刻捂住自己的嘴巴。Kelly played guitar and everyone clapped their hands in time.凯利弹着吉他,大家都用手打拍子。They clapped up a plan.他们临时拼凑出一个计划。She clapped her hands and broke into one of her huge smiles.她拍着手,一下子露出了她一贯的灿烂笑容。The chairperson clapped to attract our attention.主席拍手以唤起我们的注意。Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。They clapped their hands in time to the music.他们合着音乐的节拍拍手。The police clapped him in jail for drug smuggling.警方以走私毒品罪名立即将他投入监狱。He clapped the champion on the back and congratulated him.他拍拍冠军的肩背,向他祝贺。The audience clapped the pianist heartily.听众热情地为钢琴演奏者鼓掌。He clapped the book shut. 他啪地合上了书。We all clapped his performance enthusiastically.我们都为他的表演热烈鼓掌。She clapped the door shut.她砰地一声把门关上了。Narouz clapped his hands and a servant entered.纳鲁兹拍了拍手,一名佣人走了进来。The audience clapped and cheered when she stood up to speak.她站起来讲话时,观众们鼓掌欢呼。He clapped his hand over his mouth when he realized what he had said.当他意识到自己说了什么时,赶紧用手捂住了嘴。He clapped out the door after the thief.他冲出门去紧追小偷不放。The conductor clapped her hands twice, and the musicians stopped talking and prepared to play.女指挥拍了两下手,乐师们便停止交谈,准备演奏。He clapped his hat on the back of his head.他啪地把帽子扣在后脑壳上。Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.数以千计的当地居民站在街道两旁,为由此经过的队伍鼓掌。She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever clapped eyes on.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。She clapped in delight when she heard the news.听到这个消息,她高兴得直拍手。She was cheered and clapped by tourists who jostled to see her.那些拥挤着想见她一面的游客们朝她欢呼鼓掌。The prisoners were clapped in irons/chains.囚犯们被铐上了镣铐/锁链。The audience clapped politely but without much enthusiasm.观众礼貌地鼓了掌,但并不热情。I felt too clapped out to go to aerobics last night.昨晚我觉得太累了就没有去跳有氧健身操。The audience clapped respectfully as she stood up to speak.当她起身发言时,观众们满怀敬意地鼓掌欢迎。Of course the carpet's a mess - all we've got is a clapped-out old vacuum cleaner.地毯当然一片狼藉—我们只有一台破旧的吸尘器。He clapped his friend on the back and congratulated him.他拍拍朋友的肩背,向他祝贺。Mark had loved the house from the moment he clapped eyes on it.马克一看到这房子就喜欢上了。You never clapped your eyes on him before, did you?你以前从未见到过他,是吗? They soon clapped up a shed.他们很快匆忙搭了个棚子。The gunshot sound is really a pair of shoes being clapped together.枪声其实是一双鞋拍在一起发出的声音。We clapped in time to the music.我们伴着音乐的节奏拍手。They clapped me up into the ring.他们用掌声把我送进拳击场。After the speech there was an uneasy silence and nobody clapped.演讲结束之后席上一片寂静,令人很不自在,也没人鼓掌。From the moment I first clapped eyes on you, I have regarded you with adoration.从我第一眼看到你,我就开始崇拜你。They clapped/put the prisoner in irons.他们给囚犯戴上了镣铐




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